Sunday, 8 May 2016

The Clearing Path - Abyss Constellation


1. Wings Of Ascension
2. Abyss Constellation

I always knew that Italy's extreme music scene had more to it than just operatic/progressive metal. Solo black metal entity The Clearing Path released this digital EP in December 2015 via Avantgarde Music following the earlier full-length "Watershed Between Earth and Firmament". Sole member G creates music that's inspired by nature and the landscape around him. I haven't got much else to say by way of an introduction, other than The Clearing Path formed as a side project of fellow post/black metal band Summit.

Abyss Constellation initially brings to mind recent output from US band Twilight Fauna, as the introduction to Wings Of Ascension makes use to really nice guitar melodies and ambient textures, far removed from black metal in its traditional form. The beauty is quashed though after a couple of minutes when the black metal takes over. What I will say is that this is amongst the best produced/sounding solo black metal project I’ve had the pleasure of featuring on the blog. G clearly cares a great deal about the audible product. It’s fast, technical but also clear and extremely musical. The title-track washes over you with huge swathes of guitar. It’s refreshing to hear live percussion as opposed to programmed too. Avantgarde Music seems to be at the forefront of underground experimental and progressive black metal lately and The Clearing Path are perfectly placed on their roster. G appreciates the need for introspective passages between the heaviness and the instrumentation throughout is spot on. Abyss Constellation may only be a brief glimpse into what The Clearing Path is capable of, but it definitely leaves an indelible impression. One to be watched for sure!

You can stream and download Abyss Constellation here:-

The Clearing Path Facebook -
Avantgarde Music Facebook -

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