Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Terry Green - LP

Labels: Middle-Man Records/R.I.P In Peace Records/Upwind Productions/Zegema Beach Records/Zilpzalp Records

Formats: Vinyl/Tape/Digital

Release Date: 25 Aug 2017


1. I

2. II

3. III

4. IV

5. V


The only previous time I've featured Canadian punk/screamo band Terry Green here was when I wrote about their 2015 split tape with Huge Cosmic, which was released via Zegema Beach Records, whom also had a hand in the release of their untiled LP in 2017 (alongside many other collaborators). In fact to date, this is Terry Green's only full-length. It was limited to 200 copies on black vinyl, while Middle-Man Records also did a run of tapes, which is since sold out.

Despite only featuring six songs, this is definitely a long-player. Intensely DIY sounding, it truly conveys the energy of Terry Green as opener ‘I’ rings out with feedback aplenty. Given Canada’s rich history of post-hardcore and some of the bands that put it on the map, I’m surprised that Terry Green have remained under the radar of many outside of those who know. One thing’s for sure though, they’ve written and played some surprisingly intricate music on this LP, as exemplified by ‘II’ and it’s twinkly riffs. It’s not a fast song, but it’s mid-paced tempo shows a more thoughtful side to things. Switching between harsh vocals and semi-spoken word is nice too.

Talking of intricacies, ‘III’ has some great percussion leading it. There’s a bigger math-rock feel as you get further into the LP and even some post-punk/punk too. Being listenable and cohesive on record is pretty important, and Terry Green pulls it off perfectly well. The album’s second half is the more expansive and lengthy half. ‘IV’ is pensive and relaxing instrumentally, building up in volume gradually, forming something that’s unexpectedly heart-wrenching. 

The same is said for ‘V’, which forms a real collage of sounds that repeat in even bars before things briefly get louder and then slip away again. Granted at this point we’re still in the song’s first half but that’s far enough in to realise that it’ll eventually crescendo and threaten to overspill without actually doing so. A proper instrumental this time with plenty of dramatic rising and falling.

It’s left to album closer ‘VI’ to provide one last lengthy flutter of CanaScreamo from Terry Green. It’s delivered in the best way,  the only way the band know’s how. Properly epic sounding and musically rousing. I guess that’s the only way to pull of an eight-plus minute post-hardcore/screamo song after all. The latter half of the song it filed with sonic chaos that dissolves into ear-piercing guitar feedback (the same that kicked the LP off). As it all quietens down, it becomes strangely calming once again. 

I’ve been doubt a lot of reflecting on the relationship I have with the music I write about off late, as in the past I’ve tried to write more regularly and in some ways, it’s been hard to properly connect with the bands underneath. I’m not saying that’s why I’ve slowed down, but it has given me time to truly enjoy what I have in front of me. Terry Green’s LP is an example of why you should treat each band on their own merits too, instead of lumping them in with countless others for ease. It’s infectious but in a stealthy way and it makes you want to dig deeper into the rest of their discography.

You can stream and purchase the LP digitally below:-

Terry Green -

Physical copies can be purchased below (it just so happens that ZBR has recently release a new limited run of tapes, alongside the vinyl copies):-

Zegema Beach Records CAN/INTL - / USA -

Middle-Man Records -

R.I.P In Peace Records -

Zegema Beach Records -

Zilpzalp Records -


  1. We made more tapes! Swirlies, too!

  2. I only learnt of the new tapes when I was finishing up the review!

    1. No idea why I can't comment as myself
