Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Narzissus - Akt III: Erlösung

Labels: Shape Of Storms Records/Fiadh Productions

Formats: Vinyl/Tape/Digital

Release Date: 12 Jan 2024


1. Empor Zum Ideal

2. Erlösung

3. Vanitas/Victoria

4. Im Glanze Baden

5. Der G rö ß te Lohn

January of this year saw the newest release Akt III: Erlösung from Austrian black metal band Narzissus, which was also the debut release from new US label Shape Of Storms Records. It followed the band's 2020 EP releases Akt I: Wille and Akt II: Fall, which coincided with a name change from previous moniker Narziss. This vinyl pressing was also accompanied by a tape pressing from Fiadh Productions, which features alternative artwork (included below).

Over the last couple of years, I’ve found it more satisfying (musically) when I’ve purchased releases from less familiar bands and labels. Narzissus was a new name to me when I ordered this record as was Shape Of Storms Records, though the lineage of the label wasn’t. LP opener ‘Empor Zum Ideal’ sets off this journey into the unexpected with gentle guitar and clean vocals, provided by Amara. What follows from Narzissus is a lot more intense, though only in passages. The song flows through different movements that are both clean and harsh. Soothing balladry sits alongside punk-infused black metal in near perfect harmony.

The album’s title song ‘Erlösung’ sees Narzissus moving in a more heavy/black metal direction with less emphasis on calm atmospherics, but with no less melody. The guitar work is great and sits more than equally alongside the percussion and vocals, on fittingly the longest tome. Subtle choral and symphonic elements sit deeper in the mix but still add plenty of vibrancy. Obviously, every song has a surprise later on that renders anything I’ve just said irrelevant and it indeed comes in the form of Amara’s beautiful singing. Once again. I’m not complaining though.

‘Vanitas/Victoria’ rages with complete abandon straight from the get go. Blasting drums set the pace, which are more than matched by both frenetic and anthemic guitars (thanks to both Narzissus and Quentin Seewer). I did not expect to hear what sounds like classical/flamenco acoustic guitar on a black metal record, but nothing should surprise me anymore. Plus, it absolutely fits here as it breaks up the intensity brilliantly. As does the glorious clarinet playing of Siarhey Shylenkou at the song’s close.

‘Im Glanze Baden’ fills the speakers with orchestral ambience for a brief moment before Narzissus unleashes yet more martial black metal. Okay, it can’t be called war metal or anything like that but it does have that same straight-forward approach in between the melody that flourishes throughout. It’s again another song filled with urgency and it’s all the better for it.

‘Der Größte Lohn’ closes out the record with a barrage of crazed black metal featuring additional guitar from Vova Batrakov, which adds more virtuosity (if that was possible) and a genuinely listenable oompah-like percussive rhythm, before the warming clarinet of Matteo Zecchi and saxophone of Matthew Evans provide yet more jazz/blues tones later on. It’s a fantastic way to end an album that’s already bursting with exceptional musicality.

The vision of Narzissus is beyond words. Drawing from the extreme end of the musical spectrum as a backbone and then incorporating such skilful vocalists/musicians makes it greater still. Both Shape Of Storms Records and Fiadh Productions have helped to bring that vision to wider audiences as well as collectors of physical formats, but on reflection it’s Narzissus that deserves the greater attention (which is the aim of both labels anyway). Share this album with those who have not heard it, who aren’t afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone to who just like well-written heavy music. There are audiences everywhere, they just haven’t been tapped into yet.

You can stream and purchase Akt III: Erlösung as a name-your-price download below:-

It's also available to buy on limited vinyl/tape quantities there too or from the labels below:-

Shape Of Storms Records -

Fiadh Productions -

Narzissus -

Shape Of Storms Records -

Fiadh Productions -

Thursday, 20 June 2024

Devil's Gateway - Promised Land / No Escape

Labels: Iron Corpse

Formats: Tape/Digital

Release Date: 03 May 2024


1. Promised Land

2. No Escape

After a day of work frustrations and a massively lacklustre performance from England at the Euros this evening, only something truly heavy will suffice. Finland's Devil's Gateway fulfils that need with their latest EP Promised Land / No Escape. Containing two songs and coming off the back of their September 2023 full-length Eternal Grind, it was released on tape through Iron Corpse Records alongside a digital release. It's well worth mentioning that this is the duo's third offering in just over twelve months. Productivity like that deserves much closer attention!

Crusty, hellish death/doom with tones of rawness is what’s on offer here. Devil’s Gateway sound just like their name on ‘Promised Land’. Dual-vocals, bass-heavy guitar, crashing cymbals and all manner of murk take you on a ride that goes deeper than you would have anticipated. The overriding sound is that of death/doom but the crust is there later on, adding extra dystopian gloom.

Second song ‘No Escape’ is even more dank and heavy, if that were possible! The sludgy bass threatens to drag it in a powerviolence-esque direction but instead Devil’s Gateway continue on their slow, downtempo trajectory. It’s absolutely perfect in it’s chaotic, distorted droning beauty. It’s a fine way to end this little EP and the yearning for what’s to come is real.

Once again Iron Corpse manages to help unearth another Finnish band that builds on the insanity that the country already delivers musically. I’m a massive fan of Finland’s heavy music community and If you’re reading this review, you probably will be too. If you’re new to it, dive right in. You won’t regret it.

You can stream and purchase the EP on both digital and limited tape formats from Devil's Gateway below:-

You can grab tape copies from Iron Corpse here too -

Devil's Gateway -

Iron Corpse -

Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Modern Rifles - LP + B-Sides

Labels: Zegema Beach Records

Formats: Tape/Digital

Release Date: 18 Jan 2019


1. Introplane

2. Terroplane

3. Lie To Me, Ian, Lie To Me

4. Feck Me If I'm Wrong, But Is That A Ham Sangie In Your Hands?

5. United Lead

6. Man The Ramparts! Bananalyze The Trade Winds

7. Illegal Dracula!!

8. Kip Winger

9. Say A Prayer To St. Happenin'

10. Manbird

11. Chuck Woolery Is Leviathan

12. Enter The Craptagon

13. Hot Stone Meat Party

14. Broken Wings Make Broken Things

I've had a surprisingly productive day so I thought I'd ride on the coattails of my momentum and try to at-least nail another Zegema Beach Records roster review. This write-up focuses on US band Modern Rifles and the (I guess) discography release that ZBR put to tape in early 2019. Modern Rifles existed between 2006 and 2009 and then 2011 to 2014 (source: OPENmind/SATURATEDbrain). This tape gathers together the songs from their 2008 album I Was Young, It Was Dark in addition to some extras for the completists. 

CanaDave wrote in his post linked above that Modern Rifles will appeal to those who listen to the likes of Jimmy Eat World, Recover, Hot Snakes and Russian Circles (amongst others). Any band that covers that range of sounds has gotta be good!

With fourteen songs, you’ll definitely get your money’s worth here (hint: at the time of writing there’s one copy still for sale on the ZBR bandcamp page!). ‘Introplane’ kicks things off with some excellent emo/alternative instrumentation that sounds way more cinematic than it should. Modern Rifles definitely had a penchant for expressive music. What an opening! ‘Terroplane’ switches gear and takes things in a more rocking direction, albeit with a heart on the sleeve. I’m getting the Jimmy Eat World/Recover comparisons for sure here, but I’m also hearing subtle nods to Boysetsfire and The Mars Volta too (but maybe that’s just me). I’m going to do my best to refrain from name-dropping now because this has already blown me away.

What’s clear when listening to ‘Lie To Me, Ian, Lie To Me’ is that I’ve been too focused on way too much heavy music lately. This song has such a nostalgic feel and structure to it, that it takes me back to when I was discovering more melodic bands back in the days of the Rock Sound Magazine sampler CDs. Sadly, that UK music mag went a bit downhill and then disappeared altogether. It helped to shape my love for alternative music, for which I’m forever grateful. ‘Feck Me If I’m Wrong, But Is That A Ham Sangie In Your Hands?’ takes on an indie form for a little bit, albeit with a proper upbeat tempo and strong vocal delivery. Even the introspective latter-section is anthemic as it flows into the driving, gang-vox filled ending.

The drums that open ‘United Lead’ sound so raw and you’d be forgiven for thinking that Modern Rifles are about to go full-on screamo but that’s not the case. Instead, you’re presented with a slightly melancholic ballad of sorts. It’s a change of pace from what’s come before but as it builds in volume, it also builds in intensity (as you’d expect). Another thing that’s evident on this release is their way with song titles. ‘Man The Ramparts! Bananalyze The Trade Winds! Is one such title that will probably leave you guessing (as it does me) but what won’t is the classy indie-rock instrumentation and clean vocals, which have been a mainstay of this record.

‘Illegal Dracula!!’ Is one of those danceable tracks that will bury itself in your head thanks to the catchy rhythm and urgency. It’s one of the most furious songs here too, yet it gives way abruptly to ‘Kip Winger’, which itself contains an abundance of off-kilter tempos and lovely melodic guitar, that nods to the mathy end of emo to these ears. Talking of Catchy, ’Say A Prayer To St. Happenin’’ is the epitome. It’s abundantly clear just how good Modern Rifles were when listening to this. It’s criminal that they didn’t reach more people.

Their music was so anthemic and ‘Manbird’ goes the extra mile in that respect. There’s an undertone of genuine angst but also so much elation flowing through it. For me, it sums up everything about Modern Rifles as a band. The pure instrumental wanderlust that emanates from ‘Chuck Woolery Is Leviathan’ is out of this world. This song closed out the I Was Young, It Was Dark and what a way to do so!

I really hoped ‘Enter The Craptagon’ would be a musical commentary about the circus that is UFC, but it’s nothing of the sort. It’s actually another great alternative/indie song with enough curb appeal to reach beyond genre lines. That’s what is so good about this band. Penultimate song ‘Hot Stone Meat Party’ gives off extra experimental vibes without being too weird, because we all know that can frighten some people off. Brooding post-punk fills the speakers on collection closer ‘Broken Wings Make Broken Things’. It rounds things out in majestic fashion.

Over 16 years after the original album was released (and over five since this tape release), the music performed by Modern Rifles is still pure class. Thanks to the Internet, it hasn’t been lost to ages. If you’re unfamiliar, please remedy that now. Let’s cause a renaissance like never before! Awesome and genuinely uplifting. 

The full collection can be streamed and purchased digitally below (where a sole physical tape copy also exists, waiting to find it's forever home):-

You can also still grab tape copies from ZBR's US store here -

Modern Rifles -

Zegema Beach Records -

Sunday, 16 June 2024

Serling - Four O' Clock Premiere

There's a brand new release coming on Wednesday 19th June from Tomb Tree (alongside Fisher King Records and Soft Grit Recordings). It's a limited 12" lathe split featuring US math rock band Charger Port and mathcore compatriots Serling. Charger Port contribute three songs here with Serling's two tracks coming in between. I'm excited to be able to bring you an advance premiere of Serling's second track 'Four O' Clock'. Check out the song below:-

‘Four O’ Clock’ is filled with everything from grind, to noise rock and math-infused metal. The tone is low and the vocals have that almost manic spoken-word delivery that Chat Pile fans will be familiar with. 


1. Charger Port - The Enter Net

2. Serling - Two

3. Charger Port - A Flip Switched

4. Serling - Four O' Clock

5. Charger Port - Hey Is For Horse Is

I Don't Watch Sports Anymore comes on 25 black and 25 clear lathes, with inserts and custom handmade jackets from Josh of Vamonos Tapes. Check the promo flyers below:-

You'll be able to grab copies and stream the full split from the links below on Wednesday:-

Fisher King Records -

Tomb Tree -

Charger Port -

Serling -

Fisher King Records -

Soft Grit Recordings -

Tomb Tree -

Saturday, 15 June 2024

Locktender - Sage: I

Labels: Self-Released/I.Corrupt Records

Formats: Digital/Vinyl

Release Date: 08 Mar 2024


1. Tomorrow Is Never

2. For The Wind To Tear

3. No Passing

Back in January (was it really that long ago!) I reviewed the debut release from Inosuke and following that write-up, guitarist/vocalist Jason wrote back to tell me about the brand new release from Locktender (whom he's also a member of). I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to get round to this post. If you know Locktender then you'll be familiar with their self-proclaimed 'philosophercore'. To date Sage: I is self-released and the first of several inspired by surrealist painter Kay Sage. I.Corrupt Records will have a vinyl pressing of the EP available in the near-future too!.

Locktender has always been a band that has produced such beautifully cinematic post-rock/hardcore and after a six year wait, they’re back with a new release and concept. ‘Tomorrow Is Never’ begins in a vein that reminds of long-departed UK bands Voe and Mausoleion. Those comparisons only relate to the intro though as Locktender switch up a gear after a minute or so, taking you on a sludge/post-rock journey. It’s only at the mid three-minute mark that they hit full stride with the addition of bellowed screams and equally powerful instrumentation.

‘For The Wind To Tear’ gently floats along, with melody and music that builds throughout it’s short life-cycle. It’s quite sad when the song dissolves into near silence but there’s always a reason for suspense and Locktender use it perfectly as they lead into EP closer ‘No Passing’. After a week without wi-fi (gifting me the ability to fully switch off), it’s truly awe-inspiring to have this as the first music I listen to on my return. 

As ‘No Passing’ reaches the point of peak heaviness, the knowledge that this release is the first of many to come fills me with great joy. It’s crazy to think that Locktender has been a mainstay of the fertile screamo/post-hardcore/post-rock community for twelve years now. Here’s to many years to come. The added anticipation for the vinyl pressing from I. Corrupt Records will be well worth it too.

You can stream and purchase Sage: I as a name-your-price download from Locktender below:-

Locktender -

I.Corrupt Records -

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Mo'ynoq - A Place For Ash

Labels: Self-Released

Formats: Vinyl/CD/Tape/Digital

Formats: 23 Sep 2022


1. Penance

2. Throes Of Ardent Disposition

3. Effigies Adorned In Fire

4. Sychromysticisim

5. The Beast That Mourned At The Heart Of The Mountain

Last year I read about a new online platform called Ampwall. At the time, it was still in development (as it still is today) but wanted to offer something more to musicians at a time when bandcamp was being taken over by new owners. I signed up to it's newsletter to keep updated on progress and more recently, the site has invited a small number of bands and artists to upload their music to the platform, while also offering merch options too. 

Ampwall is spearheaded by Chris Grigg, also of US black metal band Woe. With that in mind, I wanted to write about a band using the platform as a way to promote both them further and also Ampwall, for those who are unfamiliar. I've featured Mo'ynoq here before, when I wrote about their 2019 full-length Dreaming In a Dead Language. A Place For Ash was independently by the band in 2022 on all formats.

As somebody who mainly consumes music (for review purposes) on either bandcamp of iTunes, having a new platform like Ampwall is exciting. The current and future state of music consumption is something that really fascinates me, as a heavy music fan and as a supporter of physical formats (weirdly). Mo’ynoq may seem like an unlikely starting point when it comes to exploring new digital platforms but they are an early adopter, having been invited to join by Ampwall’s founder. The US black metallers tear straight into opener ‘Penance’. It’s raw and chaotic to begin with before Mo’ynoq settle into a rhythm of sorts, all the while guided by blasting drums. The metallic guitars and rumbling bass shroud the percussion, leaving it bathed in hellish growls and bellows. 

‘Throes Of Ardent Disposition’ is a cross between ice-cold black metal and groove-laden, martial rhythmic intensity. It seems to draw influence from war metal, teutonic thrash and a mix of both Appalachian/Scandinavian black metal. From the previous barrage comes the musically atmospheric ‘Effigies Adorned In Fire’. I’ve drawn special attention to the instrumentation here but it plays a very significant role in the song, whilst being held up against the intense vocals, themselves drawing from post-metal at times. It’s bloody brilliant!

Penultimate song ‘Synchromysticism’ is an amalgamation of cascading riffs and catchy musicianship in general. Whatever your thoughts are on black metal as a sub-genre, it’s hard to ignore that it delivers now more than ever. Mo’ynoq prove that here and then some! For anybody who digs Twilight Fauna, ‘The Beast That Mourned At The Heart Of The Mountain’ comes close to that band’s musical approach initially before Mo’ynoq unleashes their true black metal might one final time. It’s an utterly engrossing song with an incredible mid-section filled with dramatic melody. It’s equally as dramatic as it draws the album to a close.

This is an expansive album filled with so much depth. It shows off the best of Mo’ynoq and their song-writing skill. Fantastic work. Promoting this release as well as previous releases here can only be a bonus for Mo’ynoq. Being able to spread the word about it fills me with joy. 

You can stream A Place For Ash and discover more about what Ampwall offers both bands and fans below:-

Mo'ynoq -

Ampwall -