Friday, 29 April 2011

Introducing - Shadows Lie Within

So, I've been trying to bring people as many bands from Yorkshire and these guys are no exception. Shadows Lie Within are from York and have so far released one EP called - Falling Apart, but are currently writing their second EP which they hope to record soon.

Shadows Lie Within are Nick Marsh on vocals, Gav Seargent and Dan Munn on guitar and Ken McGeachie on Drums and recently have taken on new bassist - Tom Smith. The guys are building a great live reputation and have shared the stage with many awesome local bands, including RSJ and are always looking for shows, so if you're able to help, get in touch with them!

A few days ago, I caught up with Drummer - Ken McGeachie, to find how things were going for the band and what is on the horizon this year:-

So how's it going? What have you been up to?

Hey, it's going good thanks! We've been polishing up a few new songs for us to hopefully record very soon, as we feel our older stuff is getting a tad outdated and is not so much the 'us' that we are now.

What are you're plans for this year?

This year we're looking to gig in as many new places as possible and hopefully hook up with some contacts who could take us around Europe and possibly America if we get really lucky. We're also going to record another EP with our more developed material that we feel we need to get out as soon as possible, as the quality is on a whole new level when compared to our first EP!

What are the bands main influences?

Our main influences would probably be bands such as Periphery, Caliban, Killswitch Engage, Lamb of God and As I Lay Dying.

With Glamour of the Kill taking off, have you noticed a difference in the metal scene in York and are bands there starting to get more exposure?

4 – 5 years ago in York you could go to pretty much any gig and it would be packed, but these days it seems like people just like to go support their mates' bands, which is a shame, but we know hard work is needed to get the following that everyone wants and by playing all over the UK we can see where has the best scene and who are the most active music fans. Right now we have a pretty sick fan base in Scarborough, who love to get involved with us, and we also have awesome crowds fairly often in Selby.

How have people reacted to you guys when you have played you're stuff live?

We've gotten many different reactions... we've had our fair share of people just walking out, but we've also had many where people go absolutely crazy and those gigs are always insane, as the energy flows back and forth between band and crowd and everyone is just on form.

How did it feel to get recognition from Yannick of Iron Maiden and how did that come about?

He lives fairly close to our drummer Ken, who lives in Stockton-On-Tees, where we have a friend of the band who see's Janick in a local pub fairly often, so one day he took a T shirt down and Janick being the legend he is got his pose on and let us take a picture. He said he was going to check us out but unfortunately there's not been messages of a world tour with Maiden anytime soon. Haha.

What local bands would you suggest we check out?

We've come across a lot of awesome local bands throughout the UK, but everyone should definitely check out Subject-7, To Die A Martyr and RSJ.

These guys already have a decent presence online. You can check out their music and get the first EP via their Bandcamp page at - and you can check them out at their Facebook page at -

You guys can listen to tracks from their Falling Apart EP below and if you likw what you here, don't forget to download it from their Bandcamp profile.

You should really check Shadows Lie Within out, as they're another great band helping to shape what is already a far reaching and forward moving Yorkshire metal scene!.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Introducing - Almost Failed

I didn't know a lot about the Austrian Metal scene, so I jumped at the chance to do a feature on Linz based band - Almost Failed. Almost Failed formed in the spring of 2010 and are now signed to American label - From The Depths Entertainment (they've worked with load of upcoming bands, including A Day To Remember, so they're pretty well equipped).

Almost Failed is made up of  Christian Steingress on vocals, Thomas Bögl and Mario Sanchez on guitar, Julian Rosenberger on Bass and Wolfgang Innerhaider on Drums.

A few days ago I caught up with one half of Almost Failed's guitar duo, Mario Sanchez to find out more about the band and the Austrian scene:-

So, hows it going for Almost Failed?

We've just played some really cool shows with awesome bands, released the first single of our upcoming EP called “Playing With Wolves” and have the time of our lives. So everything’s going great so far I guess.
What plans have you got for the band this year?

In July we are going to record our first EP which will be released in late August. Right now we’re also planning a Europe tour from September the 8th- 24th and after that we’re going to tour trough Austria a little bit so people get to know our new record.

I'm not very familiar with the Austrian metal scene. Can you tell me a bit about it?

Austrian metal scene has never been is such a good state as it is nowadays. There are so many talented bands out there and if you go to a show, you’ll see all these kids hanging out and having a good time. The bands are also supporting each other as good as possible and that’s what I think isn't something that has to be taken for granted nowadays.

You've been together since 2010. What has been your highlight so far and what do you guys hope to achieve in the future?

My highlight was definitely when we played a show with our friends in Inarcadia. People went wild during the show and afterwards it was a lot of fun hanging out with them and making party until the next day. That’s how it always should be, having a good time with other bands and sharing the same passion for good music.

What are your influence as musicians?

There are many things that we get influenced by while writing a song. If it is a certain band or song we listen to at the moment, something that happens around us, like in the media for example or if it’s just a certain kind of mood we’re into.

What do you think of the European metal scene at the moment?

European metal scene is booming at the moment. There are so many new bands that come out of nowhere and become big over night. Take for example Italy, Belgium or the Netherlands, they all have some incredible acts that are playing tours all over the world.

Have you found it hard getting shows in Europe and what has the reaction been like when you've played live?

To be honest, it is still hard to get shows in Europe because there is such a big selection of bands and there is just no time for all of them to play.
The response we got so far has been really great, I never expected people that have never seen us or heard us before, going wild during the show and coming up to us afterwards to tell us that we are awesome. That’s truly a impressive feeling!

Will you guys be coming over to UK at all?

Yes in September we will play four shows in UK on our Euro tour, dates will be 15th to 18th. We’re really excited for this!

What bands from your scene should people listen to?

Inarcadia, Showyourteeth, Outsmarted, Law Found Guilt, Blind Ambitions (UK). Just a little excerpt, but be sure to check them out!

Be sure to check Almost Failed out on Facebook at, Myspace at and check out their merch on Big Cartel at
Also, check out their label From the Depths Entertainment on Myspace at , on their blog at and of course on Facebook.

Remember also, to check out the bands that Mario referenced in the feature.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Hello new readers!

I've been getting a lot of new people checking out the blog recently and it'd be cool to hear from you. Please comment underneath this post with feedback or bands I should check out/feature or e-mail me at That'd be awesome!

Plus, new features coming soon!


Sunday, 10 April 2011

Introduction - Defy The Crown

I'm continuing my look at bands from the Noord-Brabant scene on the Netherlands and in thus post I'm focusing on a band called Defy The Crown. Defy The Crown is made up of:-

Bas Sprangers(vocals)
Rowdy Hamers(1st guitar)
Marck van Heeswijk(2nd guitar)
Patrick Verschure(bass)
Thomas v. Hofland(drums)

Defy the Crown used to be known as Against all Laws, but recently changed their name as they took their band more seriously. They formed in 2008 and have already played shows alongside underground bands like Awaken Demons, The Darkest Red, who are featured in this very blog and Britain's own, Burning Skies.

Defy the Crown are currently signed to underground Dutch label - CrossFireCult records. You can check them out here - The band are currently working on an EP, which should be due out soon via their label, so watch this space and in the meantime check them out on their Facebook page at - and on their Myspace page at

A few day ago, I asked guitarist Rowdy Hamers some questions and here's what the band had to say:-

For those people who are unfamiliar with Defy the Crown, can you tell people a bit about the band and how you formed?
When DEFY THE CROWN started off, they didn't have anything to prove to the world..
They did a lot of shows, made no-nonsense hardcore and had a real good time.
Last year DEFY THE CROWN decided to take a short break because the band went through some difficult situations, as a band, as well as some personal things.
During that break the band realized that their history made their reputation instead of the music they made, and decided to change that. They got to see that there are lots of people that really have a lack of respect and really don't care about you. From that time on they got sick of always hearing that bands change their music style just to get
popular. There are hundreds of bands that do the same thing... Of course everyone has a dream to make a living out of music and live a rockstar life, but do your own thing and keep it real. Please take a minute to KEEP THE FAITH with terror and check backtrack...They're bringing back the glory days!

What are your plans for 2011?
The first thing to do right now, is finishing our upcoming EP (HATRED FROM INSIDE), that we will release soon. Of course after the release, we need to promote HATRED FROM INSIDE…. We are quite busy planning shows/tour's through as many countries as possible. Basically we want to play as many shows we can, hangout with everyone we meet, have a great time, bring our message out to the world, help out people that need it and deserve it and of course having a great time doing just that. We’re also planning some small things for ourselves and for the next album, after we've done HATRED FROM INSIDE.

You used to be called Against All Laws. Why did you decide to change your name?
We started off just as a fun project, we never thought that we were going to play shows and bring out a record.... So you can already guess that our songs and our attitude at that moment weren’t all ways that serious. A lot of people got a twisted image of us being aggressive guys, fighting a lot, only drinking and having a party all day.
But let’s set some things straight; Of course we like to party and we will always have each other's back, but everyone in the band is working his ass off everyday for his money, as well as for the band and we simply like to have a good time with everyone we meet.
In the little break we had, we got a new drummer and our songs were getting much more serious than when we kicked off. For example the learning process of writing good lyrics; At this moment they’re still straight to your face and if someone hears a song, they can definitely tell that we are pissed of about a lot of things and people, but they're not that aggressive at first sight, more like serious lyrics with a message. From that time on, we decided to change the name to DEFY THE CROWN because that's a name that,
in the way we look at it, really represents us.

How is the hardcore scene on the Netherlands at the moment?
Quite well actually, at this moment there are a lot of young kids that are really into metal and they just need a thing where they can really hold on to. Not to complain about metal because we are big metal fans, but hardcore is something more, the energy, the dedication, the truth. You all know it! But what we think is really awesome, is that those kids are doing the same stuff that we were doing back in the day when we were young. It's a good reminder, so that's cool! In our scene almost everyone tries something to promote it; There are a lot of bookers, record labels, interviews for e-zine's and so on. But we think that people still need to buy more cd’s or merch, just for the support, bands need it!
Of course not everyone has the money to get every colour of a specific 7" but at least support the band you like, so you can see them again, or hear a new record.
Besides that it's all cool here! On the other hand, there is always something to complain about but in our opinion, the hardcore scene is doing quite well in this little country!

What or who are your influences as a band?
Our biggest influence is everyday life. Things we see on the streets, on TV and all the bad things on the news. We have a song that’s about; hate for corrupt cops, a song about; no one doing their own thing anymore, people that do something wrong in our opinion and so on. At the same time we can write a song about party's, cool hardcore shows and things like that. So that's really different every time, but we always write songs that come from the heart and about things that we all believe in.
How has it been for you playing live and has it been easy for you to get shows in mainland Europe?
Playing live is such a great experience, for us it's the best thing in the world.
We always try to give everything, no matter what, it doesn’t matter if there are 10 or 500 people at the venue, we’ll make sure its a party!!! Over here, shows are most of the time quite easy to get, but you still need to work for it. They’re not asking every local band to play, but with a little effort and if you know the right people it's basically pretty easy.

Have you had the opportunity to play in the UK yet?
No not yet, but we will definitely play some shows in the UK when HATRED FROM INSIDE comes out. We’ve heard from a lot of people that the UK is awesome when it comes to hardcore, and the experience of course. We will take on every show that’s worth playing, so you will definitely see us some time in the UK!

What has the reaction been from people at your live shows?
Most people tell us; ,,Yo guys! good show, it's good to see that there still kids that know how hardcore should be made. You can really see that you having a great time on stage as musicians and friends, and not only for the money or just to get famous. keep it up!’’
We think that’s pretty cool!

What do you think of the metal/hardcore scene in general at the moment?
It's really good in some ways; it's bigger than ever, more kids every year.
But at the same time, bigger means more bands, more bands means more influences
and more influences means less hardcore. on the other hand, it's cool to see that it’s getting so big and thankfully there are still some "good old" hardcore bands.

How much attention have you had from other media?
Not that much actually, when you play a show, you’ll see posters in the local city, a piece in the local paper and on our label site, but people don’t really pay that much attention to Dutch hardcore from outside their own scene.

Can you give any tips about bands to check out in your local scene?

You should check out THE DARKEST RED
They're insanely good musicians, if you like the faceless or the black dahlia murder, you would want to get married with these guys!
And then there’s SUPERIOR
Metalcore as it should be with ‘’new york vibes’’ and a little beatdown.
Please take a minute to check out , it's our label and you can find some great bands over there!

We really want to thank James @ STAY AHEAD for this interview and we hope to see you all when we’re in the UK!

So there you have it, keep an eye for these guys as I'm sure they'll be heading our way soon and bringing there hardcore message with them.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Introducing - ProoF

Hardcore stretches beyond borders and seas, there are bands from all corners of the world providing their take on the genre and it is growing all the time. I am amazed by the bands that are appearing and forming their own scenes across the globe, from the already broad and growing US hardcore scene to the DIY, Underground Bandung hardcore scene in Indonesia.

Europe to has a big hardcore community and this is especially true of Eastern Europe. ProoF are from Bucharest, Romania. They have been together since 2006 and in that time have played all over their home country with many of hardcore's leading lights, including Born From Pain, No Turning Back and Ignite.

ProoF is made up of George on vocals, Adi on bass and backing vocals,Stefan on guitar and backing vocals, Luci on guitar and Remus on drums. The band released their first EP - Blood Money in  2010 and are offering it as a free download at this link

Their EP - Blood Money is another great example of European hardcore. It's structured but also bruising enough to create havoc in the pit. It's all held down by a great rhythm section and the crushing double guitar attack.

Blood Money is made up of five relentless tracks. First track Violent Opposition is a short sharp sign on intent from the band and prepares listeners for the battering that is to come. The EP is fast and the songs would stand up on any hardcore bill you put them on. The bands varying pace in third track Beyond Prejudice and the bass being high in the mix, build an atmosphere that adds another aspect to the bands sound.

Overall, this is a really promising EP and shows that their is definitely more to come from ProoF, who are in the process of writing material for a new record.

Vocalist George, was kind enough to answer some questions about how ProoF were getting on and to give us an insight into the scene over in Romania:-

You're from Romania. What's the hardcore/metal scene like over there?

Howdy! The hardcore/metal scene is just developing in Romania, but the genre is starting to take off, there are always new bands looking to get feedback, and they manage to go on national and international tours using their own money; it takes a lot of sacrifice to evolve, as it does with every underground scene. The show promoters are getting more and more interested, and a lot of big names have started coming to Romania. Most times, there is prejudice and skepticism about Eastern European bands; I think Romania has many capable bands that could easily rise to the level of well-known metal bands.

What influenced you guys to form ProoF?

All five of us are multiple music genre fans, varying from thrash, sludge and metalcore, to nu-metal, punk rock and hip-hop, but the thing we have in common is the hardcore genre, with bands like Biohazard and Hatebreed,for us it’s more than music that we listen to when we have some free time, it’s more like a way of life, a way to express a very precise and well put together art. Another reason was the desire to play something pretty new in Romania, to refresh the scene here and to demonstrate that you can also create a different kind of music than what’s already popular with the people of Romania. As we know, hardcore’s a way of protesting, and the social and political issues of our country are a never-ending well of ideas and song themes.

How have you found it playing shows in Romania and has it been easy?

It’s every band’s dream to get in a van and go out on a tour, but surely it can be difficult at times, when you don’t have anyone’s financial support, and record labels are not willing to promote this music genre. We are all making a big effort in order to do this; we strive to book concerts in as many different cities as possible, and be seen by more and more people. In the end, this is why we got to playing music in the first place, and the audience is always receptive to us wherever we go; it always descends into a big party at every show. We have made a lot of friends and memories around the country. To initiate a tour in Romania is seen many times as an ‘extreme sport’ because all responsibilities fall back onto us, starting from contacting booking agents, and ending with promoting the event and such, but after all, the satisfaction of getting a good feedback from the audience makes us forget about these obstacles.

Have you played many shows outside of Romania and where have you played?

Until now, we have only had shows in Romania; we had a few opportunities of playing outside the border, but unfortunately, we didn’t manage to make a deal due to some issues we were struggling with at the time. We really hope we can succeed in going international this year.

You've played with a lot of great hardcore/metal bands in your home country. What has been your highlight so far?

We have indeed played with some big names, we would have never even thought about this a few years back; I think the mind-blowing experience was at the Noisefun festival, which took place at a huge arena, and we were a supporting act for Ignite, Born From Pain (we played with them twice) and Death Before Dishonor. This was a dream come true, seeing as they are some of our favorite bands, and a huge inspiration for us; We also had the honor of playing with some other bands that we admire, such as No Turning Back, Last Hope, The Setup, Confronto, Manifestation or Bleed Into One.

You've been promoted on TV, which is awesome. How was that?

 Yes, we were invited to some TV shows promoting our kind of music, seeing as this music gets little to no promotion in Romania; we might say it was something unique and we’d like to thank them for inviting us. I can’t say for sure how much the promotion you get from TV shows today helps, because we are living in the Internet era, and the online environment is perfect for promotion, as compared to TV, where you can only be on one or two channels, you have way more advantages using the Internet, because you can be heard by people around the world. You also have to organize a lot of concerts to get people to notice you and your band. Underground music does not always sit well with the masses, so any kind of promotion is welcomed by us.

You've had a lot of attention from the media and online. Has that helped you gain fans and interest outside of Romania?

Yes, as I said earlier, I think the Internet has helped us and every other new band the most by using websites such as MySpace, Facebook, Reverbnation, Last.Fm or YouTube. They have made it possible for everyone in the world to be able to listen to our music, download our songs and get to know more about us. We’ve made friends everywhere, we always get messages from people living in the USA, South America, Asia and Europe who want to buy our EP or just say encouraging things to us, and this can only make us glad.

What do you think about the hardcore/metal scene around the world at the moment?

I think the hardcore scene is at its best time in history, maybe even better than when it first appeared, it’s becoming popular with everyone, not just young people; I see a lot of good bands that came out these last few years, that make it their goal to have tours around the world, having no outside help, as well as very well-known bands, like Hatebreed, Terror or Madball, that made this genre wide-known to the public through huge festivals and the media, making the masses interested; we can only go up from here! Although hardcore is a real concept that involves ideas, manifestos,a lot of listeners don’t perceive its true value, as it’s more of a niche that’s starting to gain popularity as times passes.

I love hearing new bands from around the world. What bands are you excited about at the moment?

Although I’m a huge sludge fan, I would say HAARP, from New Orleans, Louisiana, one of the heaviest bands I’ve ever heard, jack! Evil Army, a hardcore/thrash band from Memphis, Tennessee; they have that old school sound which now is a pretty rare thing, you gotta love those insane old school shows man, and Arson Anthem, one of Phil Anselmo’s newest projects, the same old hardcore sound that I’ve mentioned before. Some other older bands that got huge in these last few years and that I really enjoy these days are Mastodon (these guys are going to be legends), Maylene And The Sons Of Disasters,Comeback Kid,Authority Zero, Soilent Green and Crowbar. I’m also looking forward for the new Limp Bizkit album, Gold Cobra.

And finally, what bands from your local scene should people check out?

You should definitely check out Skullp, a very talented metal/thrash band from Cluj-Napoca, they remind me of Machine Head and that kind of stuff, Spiritual Ravishment from Oradea, maybe the best grind act in Romania at the moment, and two bands from Bucharest, Deathdrive, a great metalcore band and H8, veterans in the hardcore/metal scene.

Go check out and become friends with ProoF on Facebook at - Also, check out other review of ProoF's EP - Blood Money at - and