Friday, 6 May 2016

Party Cannon - Bong Hit Hospitalisation


1. Russian Zombi Smack (Krokodil)
2. Jack vs The Exotic Crustacean
3. There's A Reason You're Single
4. Keg Stand By Me
5. Ectomy Part 1 (Get Back To Work)
6. Ectomy Part 2 (Brutalitarian Rhapsody)
7. Interested Is Not The Word
8. Battle Of The Spider-Men!
9. Screech Even Sold His Body To Science
9. We Prefer The Term Living Impaired

Famous for having the only band name you can ever read on a slam gig poster and for the usual Scottish wit, Party Cannon are everybody's favourite brutal death metal band. They released their debut album via Gore House Productions last summer following their 2013 EP "Partied In Half". They're playing with Cattle Decapitation in Glasgow in June, returning the favour after going out to the States to join them last year!

Usually this level of brutality is best experienced live but for those of us who don’t like getting in the way of crowd-killers and their drop kicks, it’s fine listening to Party Cannon digitally. Russian Zombie Smack (Krokodil) is a hellish concoction of harmonic leads, tin can snare action and snarling growls. Talking of that snare, Party Cannon smash it to within an inch of it’s life during Jack Vs The Exotic Crustacean. Keeping this pace up for over five minutes is tough mind you and they’re able to switch tempos with ease. The breakdowns are huge too!  They follow suit with There’s A Reason You’re Single but this time they spice up their formula with some great black metal-like atmospherics and jazzy bass. The sample at the start of Keg Stand By Me will remind you of every grumpy landlord that stopped from getting served when you were underage. Thankfully, by the time this beast of a song kicks in you’ll probably be too drunk to care! Ectomy Part 1 (Get Back To Work) is a subtle but effective little number with a rather disturbing sample in the middle. Ectomy Part 2 (Brutalitarian) sees Party Cannon calling upon their inner Napalm Death for twenty-eight seconds of blast! Politics isn’t safe on this album either, with Interested Is Not The Word raging war on pompous MP’s. They like their TV and film references too, as Battle Of The Spider-Men! and Screech Even Sold His Body To Science both attest!. That aside, the former is fast and grindy while the latter takes more of an old-school form. Taking cues from Death and modern day homage payers Gruesome, Screech Even Sold His Body To Science isn’t just all about modern technicality. Album closer We Prefer The Term Living Impaired commits the final killer blows. Mid-paced groove is all present and correct amongst the double-kick and cymbal abuse but by this point you’re pretty much catatonic anyway! Listen to this in one sitting and it’ll put hairs on your chest (even if you’re a women or a pre-pubescent child). Consider yourself partied. 

Stream it and then buy it various digital and physical forms here:-

Party Cannon Facebook -
Gore House Productions Facebook -

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