Wednesday 30 March 2016

Wilt - Moving Monoliths


1. Illusion Of Hope
2. Moving Monoliths
3. The Elder
4. Solitude

Since this blog's formation, I've had the opportunity and the please of listening to so many great black metal bands including Twilight Fauna, Caina, Lychgate and the list really does go on! Wilt is a new name to add to that ever growing list. From Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada), Wilt released their debut full-length via Bindrune Recordings in November 2015. Having only previously released one EP (in 2012), they've done pretty well for themselves of late, playing their first US show at this year's Hammerheart Ostarablot Festival alongside Fall Of Rauros and Vemod amongst others. 

If you’ve read this blog before, you won’t need me to tell you that black metal isn’t all fire and brimstone (or more aptly; ice and blasphemy). Wilt produces doom-laden black metal more akin to their cold homeland as demonstrated by Illusion Of Hope and it’s mighty opening riffs. Slow and considered with plenty of layered melody, it kind of reminds if Shroud Of Despondency. Things do speed up though and around the three-minute mark Wilt lurch in theatrical yet honest black metal territory. The blasts are used sparingly and the shrieks and screams echo around your ears. Where Wilt really comes alive though is in their instrumental passages. They split up their BM bursts with thoughtful and atmospheric sections brimming with melody, which makes them all the more engaging. The title-track is where Wilt further elaborates on their atmospheric tendencies, as it’s awash with swathes of melody and ambience that sits behind the vocals. People might pluck the obvious comparisons out the sky but there’s much more to this. I think the extended song-lengths really allow Wilt to build on the theme and their song-writing in a way that yields great results. In my tired and post-long weekend stupor this is really hitting the spot. The Elder seems to be more conventional in terms of it’s ferocity and frequency of (dare I day it) orthodoxy. Thankfully there is plenty of breathing space here and Wilt just do what they know best. You really are encouraged to slow down and lose yourself when listening to this. Not enough music does that nowadays. The further you get into the song the more blissed out it gets, as Wilt replace black metal with semi-acoustic guitars and calming whispers. The closing three minutes of the song shake you back to life as Wilt drags their heavier sound back into view, while including some inspired guitar harmonics. Album closer Solitude is not the sampled wind and rain you might’ve expected but is instead a majestic instrumental piece. This sums up Wilt for me. They’ve set out to play music inspired by their surroundings, music that’s from their heart and music that will mark them out as definite ones to watch in the growing Canadian scene. It’s sometimes hard to find quality like this from bigger headline bands so I must praise both Wilt and Bindrune for giving it a platform. Breathtaking!

Stream Moving Monoliths here:-

It's available to purchase in digital and CD form directly from the band above. There will hopefully be a vinyl version available soon.

Wilt Facebook -
Bindrune Recordings Facebook -

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