Saturday, 19 March 2016

Junior Bruce - The Ocean's Daughter EP


1. The Promised Sleep
2. Nomad
3. The Burden
4. The Ocean's Daughter

A while ago I received one of those notification e-mails from Bandcamp about new music that's just been uploaded. This time it featured about four releases from A389, so I checked them out. They seemed to be older digital releases and The Ocean's Daughter by Junior Bruce was amongst them. Junior Bruce is a sporadically active sludge band from Florida who released an LP called "The Headless King" via A389 back in 2012. This EP was originally split up into two smaller EPs. I see that they're playing shows in their native Florida so this is relevant as far as I'm concerned. 

I love listening to older and more obscure stuff, so A389 has outdone themselves by uploading this. The Promised Sleep is so groovy and heavy with ample head-banging room. The vocals are pretty anthemic thanks to their semi-clean delivery. Nomad is stripped-back and even slightly restrained. It’s still heavy but it’s not out of control and it’s catchy too! The lucid spectre of Eyehategod looms heavy over The Burden. It’s a really progressive sounding song where the riff is king! it’s a good thing this style of heavy music is built for longer song because the ones on here work so well and it’s pretty easy to get lost in it all. The closing title-track steals the show for me, with the gnarliest roars on the EP and riffs to match. At over six-minutes it’s not a song for instant gratification but who care when it’s this good! The solo towards the end is filled with atmosphere and a quiet air of confidence. I really hope this sees a physical release because it deserves one. Junior Bruce rules...that is all. 

Go and stream it here (also purchase a download copy):-

Junior Bruce Facebook -
A389 Recordings Facebook -

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