Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Underground Uncovered #2 - Skinsuit

Much like the waves of troops that descended on French beaches during the D-Day landings, there are endless waves of new bands appearing constantly. It's pretty difficult to keep up most of the time, but that's where I come in. I may not be able to bring you every new band ever, but if I can at least spread the word about some, that'd be a good start. The subject of tonight's "Underground Uncovered" is so new, that they've only got a few obscure rehearsal videos online. They may or may not be all human, but from those videos I can definitely say that UK (North East) trio Skinsuit are loud and heavy. I'm also pretty sure the interview you're about to read is an actual "exclusive!

TNIO: So, what brought you bunch of swines together?

Skinsuit: We as people have been friends for some time, and have actually played in bands with each other before. There's chemistry musically and personally between the three of us. Our drummer was looking to start a band after some time away from bashing skins. As swine, we have been together a little over 6 weeks. The first of many under this entity

TNIO: What is the significance behind the name Skinsuit?

Skinsuit: There's a couple of reasons I suggested we be called Skinsuit. Firstly, I'm a massive fan of "Silence of the Lambs". But, the bigger picture is really the brand names that we all know but cant and will never put a face to. The pen pushers that profit from a floored system. The people that cause suffering on any level be it animal or human. I wish I could say I just wanted a nasty name and an excuse to wear a mask. Skinsuit is a means in which we can be as explicit about these issues as we like, vicariously from behind a mask. We adopt a Skinsuit ourselves!

TNIO: You’ve just finished writing and are due to record your debut EP soon. What can we expect musically and will there be any pig squeals? I’m hoping for piggy guest slots kinda like the dogs in Caninus or the birds in Hatebeak!

Skinsuit: We have concluded the writing process for Skinsuit 1 yes. But, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, there will be no pig squeals, or guest slots I'm afraid. I'm sure those bands mentioned are really cool at what they do, but it's not something i feel is relevant to serve a song (yet) maybe?

TNIO: You’re hooking up with Sell Your Soul Records for the EP release. How did that come about and can you reveal any details about it?

Skinsuit: You are 100% accurate. Andreas is a stand up guy and I personally hold him in high regard with the stuff he's released prior to us. He seems to have a keen ear and palate when it comes to aggressive music. It felt like the right decision and not a stereotypical move for a band playing the style of music we do. The release itself will have 6 tracks on it, mostly spanning no longer than 2 minutes each. Except one which is a slower number. The art is being handled by Razoreater, who has blown us all away with the work he's previewed for us so far. I will say, in relation to question 3, there may be a pig sample on there, but not to the extent they're used in Hatebeak. 

TNIO: Will you be sacrificing pigs onstage or are you secretly vegans?

Skinsuit: Who knows?! That could be messy

TNIO: Enough pig talk from me. Do you have any live plans once the EP has been recorded? What kind of show do you intend putting on?

Skinsuit: We're currently in talks with a domestic label about releasing some other music for us. So there's a lot of things slowly falling into place. We will be playing live in support of these releases too. Nothing pretty or flashy about us. Play violent songs, fast. A lot of people have suggested we exist under the grindcore umbrella. But there's more to it for us. Don't blink.

TNIO: Aside from the obvious, which other masked bands do you look up to or draw influence from?

Skinsuit: The masks are strictly relevant to Skinsuit and the metaphor it represents. That is the only influence behind wearing masks.

TNIO: You’ve released a couple of teaser videos via you’re Facebook page and I’m liking what I’m hearing. What are the chances of a split release with Cattle Decapitation in the future?

Skinsuit: Thanks! We don't really post too much from the page, so I make every post about something I feel is of importance. We have no music online yet, so what better way to hint than to post some snippets of material. As much as I'd love to do a split release with Cattle Decap, the chances are slim. Never say never though.  

So, keep an eye out on Skinsuit's Facebook page for updates regarding the release of their debut EP. To prepare yourselves in the meantime, watch those videos I mentioned here - https://www.facebook.com/skinsuitpv.

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