Wednesday, 2 July 2014

The Day Man Lost/Prolefeed - Split 7"

It's time to review something from this country again. This is the split 7" that came out at last year featuring two fast bands from the North of England. Newcastle Upon Tyne's Prolefeed linked up with Preston grinders The Day Man Lost to release a split record containing twelve tracks and some of the best artwork I've seen in ages, The picture above is of TDML's side of the split, while Prolefeed's is below (because blogger wouldn't allow me to sit them side by side!).

The Day Man Lost played at 'Kin Hell Fest earlier this year, but I missed them due to public transport. I've not seen either band before, but have heard great things about both. The split was self-released by the bands themselves. It was the first recorded output from The Day Man Lost since their reformation in 2011. Prolefeed features members of Winds of Genocide and Tide of Iron, amongst others.


Side A - The Day Man Lost

1. Hung By A Noose
2. Cheap Seat Viewpoint
3. No Borders
4. Slave To Ignorance
5. Victims
6. Reduced To A Commodity
7. How Far Will You Go?

Side B - Prolefeed

8. Hated Generation
9. Crack The Whip
10. Arctic Wheat
11. Fear
12. Evolution

The Day Man Lost start off their side of the split in glorious, noisy fashion. Their songs aren’t more than a minute each and their side doesn’t even hit six-minutes, which is good going for seven songs. Hung By A Noose and Cheap Seat Viewpoint literally flash by, as there is only a short breath between them. The vox on No Borders are unhinged and the stop/start riffs match them. It’s hard to write about the music when it’s this quick. Slave of Ignorance features some great riffs and TDML even have time to actually groove! I really wish I'd stayed at ‘Kin Hell Fest to see them now, bloody last train! Victims, Reduced To A Commodity and How Far Will You Get? follow in rapid succession, with the latter proving the heftiest song on their side of the split.

Prolefeed’s side features five songs, which are slightly longer but no less exhilarating. Compared to TDML’s wall of noise, Hated Generation seems sedate. That’s not doing Prolefeed any disservice though as their sludgier noise is equally epic. Crack The Whip features some really thick riffs and the jazzy bass licks in Arctic Wheat add something special to their sound, even if it is subtle. The production that both bands get conjures images of chaotic live shows in sweaty pub back rooms, which is how it should be. Prolefeed’s closing duo of Fear and Evolution end this ridiculously noisy split in typical fashion. The punk-influenced drumming on Evolution is really danceable and put a huge shit-eating grin on my face. I jut want to smash things now!

I was late getting to this split, for which I apologise to both bands. With the British PV/fastcore/grind scene being as strong as it is right now, having bands like TDML and Prolefeed carrying the flag for the North of England shows that there are legs in the scene that far outstretch our shores. Top stuff and I’m looking forward to more from both bands this year, hopefully!

You can stream TDML's side of the split on their bandcamp page below:-

Their songs are also available their as a name-your-price download.

I've not been able to find Prolefeed's side streaming anywhere, so you'll just have to pick up a copy of the 7" by going to or by e-mailing The Day Man Lost directly.

The Day Man Lost Facebook -
Prolefeed Facebook -

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