Sunday, 29 June 2014

Hull - The Legend of Swampgoat 7"

Here's a band that I'm not so familiar with, Brooklyn NY sludge/metal band Hull. They released this single-sided, etched B-side 7" in February via their own label Iron Orchestra Works and with help from Midnight Collective. It's their first recorded material since the 2011 full-length Beyond The Lightless Sky.  Normally I don't review single track releases, but what the heck! Hull have already toured Europe this year and appeared at the mighty Roadburn Festival in Holland.

The track Swamp Goat that appears on this 7" was originally written in 2007 during the recording sessions for their debut full-length Sole Lord.  The band decided to record and release it in time for their recent tour.


1. Swamp Goat

Hull’s sound here is pretty thick. the guitars and percussion make a hefty wall of noise. It’s groovy too, with a prolonged instrumental intro. The mix of acoustic guitar and jazz/blues sections fit the sludge Hull play and the vocals are semi-clean. There are a lot of parts to this that come together to create a cohesive whole. It’s hard to get a full impression of a band from one track and as such I haven’t, but nonetheless this is a worthy release in it’s own right and one that would be better owned in it’s physical form. Vinyl is always better, especially when it’s as artistic as this is with the etched b-side. 

You can stream Swamp Goat via Hull's bandcamp page here - 

You can also grab a copy of the 7" from the page too.

Hull Facebook -
Iron Orchestra Works Facebook -

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