Sunday, 15 June 2014

Iced Out - Jukai 7"

I've been staring at screens far too much this weekend and with no end product. My only respite was a few hours yesterday afternoon, when I went to watch Agent Attitude, The Hammer and others play a matinee show in Harrogate. I saw Matt Marko there, who I hadn't seen for a while and it was a bit of a blur due to mid-afternoon cider consumption. That leads me nicely onto Jukai.

A collaborative release via Church of Fuck and Moshtache Records, Jukai was Iced Out's first material since their split with Razoreater last year. As with recent releases from Esoteric Youth and Cholera, it was Iced Out's turn to step up their game and if the brill black and while record sleeve is anything to go by, they have done. It's four tracks of dark, riffy hardcore.


1. Life Through A Mask
2. Death Riders
3. Faithless
4. Some Kind of Plague

Iced Out have always been a loud and energetic, but with Jukai they seem to have harnessed those qualities and used them to create a create a controlled EP full of sludge-esque, distortion filled songs. Life Through A Mask could be about Mr Lumsdale’s early mask wearing habits during live shows.
Death Riders (featuring a guest vocal appearance from Michael Ribeiro, of label mates Old Skin) takes the tone down further, with a low-end heavy performance. Mixing elements of thrash with their hardcore blueprint and taking influence from the likes of Trap Them, they’ve proven that you don’t need to play fast to rip faces off.

Faithless starts with the kind of intro riffs that persuade you that Iced Out have taken on a diet solely of Down and Crowbar. The riffs during the verses back that notion, yet the whole thing proves how much more focus Iced Out have got now.  They end the onslaught with Some Kind of Plague, which is probably the heaviest and dirtiest song on Jukai. There’s definitely a call for these guys to do a full-length, on the strength of this material. If it’s imposing, dank hardcore you’re after, then look no further than here. 

You can buy Jukai digitally from the above bandcamp page, or you can get the 7" on Transparent Green vinyl from Church of Fuck and from Moshtache Records.

Iced Out Facebook -
Church of Fuck Facebook -
Moshtache Records Facebook -

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