Friday, 27 June 2014

Public Domain - Demo Tape

Austrian hardcore punks that skateboard. That's a pretty accurate description of Public Domain. They released their first demo via Headless Guru Records last December and the tape has sold out. They played at TDON 10 earlier this year in Leeds and are due to play in Vienna next week with BL'AST. Their demo contains five songs full of good old punk-filled hardcore.


1. Somewhere To Begin
2. What's Left of Me
3. Die By The Board
4. Straight Down
5. Not For You

It’s great to here punk like this coming out of mainland Europe at the moment. More and more bands are stepping away from the tough-guy hardcore sound and moving towards this type of thing. Somewhere To Begin may still sound mosh-worthy but the simple melody and chords, show off a more straight-forward approach while the vocals are raging. 

Public Domain’s songs aren’t overblown or overlong. What’s Left Of Me contains some hints of powerviolence while the second half of the song is more mid-paced. Die By The Board was obviously written by boarders for boarders, with the sound sample at the start and the riotous pace of the song. The gang-vocals project a sense of kinship and togetherness.

They seem to get faster as they go on this demo, with Straight Down hitting harder. They play at pace for the pretty much the whole song, only slowing to add in some groove mid-way. Closer Not For You is peppered with crossover-thrash and even has a sick solo in it, which does no harm at all. If you’re after no-frills hardcore that isn't too serious, then you shouldn't need to look any further than Public Domain.

You can stream the demo and get it as a pay-what-you-want download from Headless Guru Records below:-

Public Domain Facebook -
Headless Guru Records Facebook -

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