Sunday, 17 June 2012

Infernoh - War Tjard

Following on from my previous feature this morning, I've finally got around to reviewing this release from Infernoh and D-Takt and Rapunk. Infernoh are a crust punk band from Malmo, Sweden and War Tjard was released in March of this year. A promo CD version was sent to me a little while ago.


1. Dott Dar Ogat Ser
2. Er Mur Maste Bort
3. De Galna Och De Blinda
4. Driv Ut Giftet
5. Krossa Guds Kuk
6. Gamdregel
7. Lange Leve Mig
8. Strida For Vada?
9. Inferno
10. Kyla

Dott Dar Ogat Ser flies at you with some squealing guitar and then morphs into pure d-beat violence. The music is surprisingly clear, despite maintaining that rough edge that crust bands love. Infernoh's sound has a tremendous personality to it, with the guitars adding loads of melody and the band playing with epic abandon.

Er Mur Maste Bort has some real rock n roll sensibilities going on and with the lyrics being in Swedish, like the rest of the album, it sounds all the more chaotic. As you'd expect, the songs here a short and sweet. De Galna Och De Blinda has a great punk vibe to it, especially in the drumming at the start and the bouncing riffs of the intro. The vocals are screamed through a mic with an effect that makes them sound like are
coming through an old transistor radio, which gives them an authentic sound.

Driv Ut Giftet is probably one of the heaviest songs featured here. The use of ringing guitar feedback adds to the feeling of disorientation that you feel, the further you get into War Tjard. Krossa Guds Kuk flies past at the same break neck speed, with some great guitar leads and thrashing drums. It's just one constant battery of the senses!
Even though the songs are short, because Infernoh pack a lot into them they seem deceptively long.

Gamdregel heralds in the second half of the record with more ringing feedback and the bands familiar knack of putting a short, raging intro at the start of the song, before a brief moment of rest before two minutes of absolute mayhem! Lange Leve Mig in a down- tuned piece of crust that flies by in just over a minute of whirlwind guitar, rabid screams and crashing cymbals. Strida For Vada, features short vocal lines and some suitably angry guitar melodies in places.

Penultimate track Inferno is utterly mental too. Incredibly fast and head-bangable. It's left to Kyla to close out War Tjard in one last blaze of glory. This is your last chance to hear their ringing guitar, crazed vocals and blasting drums and my god is it worth it!

Overall, this is one hell of a record. Granted, it'll only be liked by those hardcore metalheads and crust fans, but they tend to be the most rabid fans and will lap this up.
I love it, purely for it's thrashing, squealing fun and the fact that underneath that wall of chaos, Infernoh are pretty skilled musicians who are writing and playing the music they want to play.

You can here the majority of the songs from War Tjard over at Infernoh's soundcloud page at

Infernoh also have a wordpress blog at and if you're into them, you can pick this up at D-Takt and Rapunk's site at

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