If you're anything like me, there are some bands that you read about and think "yeah, they're why I got into heavy music", and Black Hole of Calcutta are one such band. A band that you can't pin down to any specific genre but a band that seem to embody everything you like about heavy music. So when I got asked to review their LP, I could hardly say no.
This is their latest LP, that was released in January, via Give Praise Records and I Feel Good Records.
1. Myth Of Progress
2. Age of Extinction
3. Truth is Never Told
4. Total Collapse
5. Cirrhosis
6. Genetic Control
7. No Turning Back
8. Nightmares
9. Educate
10. No Regrets
11. Arm The Hopeless
12. Vultures
BHOC start off with a sludge/Doom inspired track called Myth
of Progress. It's a slow burn of an opening song, with bass heavy riffage and
striking drum rhythms. It suddenly bursts into life about one and a half
minutes in and spews forth, fast and angry grind/power-violence with crazily
fast drumming, Punk-infused riffs and absolutely rabid screams. I love the slow
riffs at both ends of this opener, purely for the atmosphere they give off.
From here of in, things get a lot faster. Age of Extinction
is a sub two-minute punked-up blast that leaves no room for breath. Truth is
Never Told follows in the same vein. Those screams are properly intense too.
I've not heard any as angry as this for a long time. Total Collapse is forty
seconds of grinding mayhem, bisected by sudden stops and brutal crusty doom
The riffs at the start of Cirrhosis are more akin to razor
black metal riffs. There are so many elements to BHOC's music that you may as
well forget about categorisation and just headbang! Genetic Control is another
grinding mass of crazed screams and breakneck drumming. Thanks to the
production here, the record sounds huge. The vocals are most prevalent, but
when the other instruments are allowed space to breathe, the effect is huge.
When all playing together, it's utterly mental!
No Turning Back is the fastest song on display, yet BHOC
still manage to fill it with some brilliant, Mastodon inspired guitar. Nightmares
starts off more mid-paced, with some more great punk elements, before
unleashing more rip-roaring grind fueled madness. It's actually quite amazing
how many different elements BHOC can fit into their songs. The different genre styles
and pace changes are infused into their music with ease.
Educate just blasts along with no histrionics and No Regrets
fuses itself to your synapse with the help of caustic screams and subtle
progressive riffs underneath. The sound of the drums and specifically the
cymbals add elements of disorientating madness.
This brings you to the final two tracks, the fast Arm The
Hopeless, over in the blink of an eye and Vultures, which displays more of
their hardcore sensibilities and just smashes you into submission. When I say
hardcore though, I mean more of your Integrity/Strife style hardcore and not
your tough guy, slam dancing stuff. The song finishes off the album the way it
started, with more epic doom riffs and slower paced dirge.
You can stream the whole LP for free via BHOC's bandcamp page below:-
You can also digital copies of the LP direct from the page.
You can also buy physical copies of this LP from the below labels:-
Give Praise Records - http://www.givepraiserecords.com/
I Feel Good Records - http://www.ifeelgoodrecords.com/
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