Saturday, 9 June 2012

Big Eyes - Back From The Moon 7"

I thought I'd do a couple more quick fire reviews, so I'm bringing you two news releases by Grave Mistake Records. This first one is the new two song 7" by Seattle based rock n roll band, Gig Eyes.


1. Back From The Moon
2. I Don't Care About Friday Night

Back From The Moon starts with some cool jangly guitar and upbeat drumming.
The female vocals give the music a different edge and reminds me of cool summer movies. It's got a retro feel about it and shows off Grave Mistakes eye for varied and interesting acts. B-side, I Don't Care About Friday Night has a fast, punky sound. It's got a punchy melody to it and due to it's length, has a more in your face impact.

Obviously, this 7" is short in length but it's a good introduction to the band. As a trio, they make a great sound and I'm looking forward to seeing .what comes from them in the future.

If you like, it you can purchase a digital copy directly from the bandcamp page or you can a physical copy of the 7" from the Grave Mistake online store. Go ahead and listen to something different!

Big Eyes can be found at

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