Monday, 29 February 2016

Pantheon Of Blood/Creatura - Lapis Philosophorum Split 7"


1. Pantheon Of Blood - Deus Ex Naturae
2. Creatura - Thy Voices Are Four

As the dark winter's nights drew in during the latter half of 2015, UK black metal label Glorious North Productions released their second vinyl effort. The coming together of two Finnish black metal bands. The last time I featured Pantheon Of Blood here was in the form of a review of their last 7", Consociatio Solis Et Lunae that was also released by GNP in 2011. Since then, Pantheon Of Blood has also released the EP Tetrasomia. I knew very little about Creatura prior to writing this but I note that this is the band's first material in around 5 years or so, and is a one-man project featuring an undisclosed member of Saturnian Mist.

With the abundance of black metal filling the underground at the moment, smaller releases can get buried underneath their larger counterparts. Lapis Philosophorum was released with minimal fanfare in October 2015, yet has all of the characteristics needed to appeal to ardent fans of the genre. Pantheon Of Blood’s Deus Ex Naturae is a mid-paced affair, with typically icy growls, atmospheric strings and classy lead work. On the other side of the split, Creatura’s Thy Voices Are Four leans more toward the raw end of the spectrum, while retaining menacing melody. Solo-projects in black metal work well and it’s no different here, as Creatura’s instrumental skill is obvious. Both bands have connections both historic and present, so it’s nice to see them converging here and while this split is indeed short, it retains integrity and again highlights the strength within Finnish black metal today. 

You can hear a medley of both tracks below:-

You can purchase the split from Glorious North Productions here -

Pantheon Of Blood Facebook -
Creatura Metal Archives -
Glorious North Productions Facebook -

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