Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Fucking Invincible - I Hate Myself And Want You To Die


1. Cross/Uncross
2. Conflict Recital
3. Under The Sun
4. Ditched
5. Feeder
6. Like A Child
7. No Exit
8. Get It Wrong

Often the bleakest of images is the hatred of mankind by mankind. It's portrayed everyday in the media and is more often than not, based on ideologies entrenched in religion. Thankfully there are bands that can present this emotion way better than I can write it and one of them is Fucking Invincible. Their latest EP "I Hate Myself And Want You To Die" includes eight super-fast and super angry hardcore songs. It was released in December 2015 via longtime Rhode Island hardcore label Atomic Action! Records.

Fucking Invincible catch the mood perfectly on Cross/Uncross with stomping riffs and grinding blasts. The vocals are executed with violent accuracy. Their sound is meant to make you take notice and Conflict Recital has “don’t mess with us” written all over it. The crazed percussion dictates where I Hate Myself… heads and Under The Sun crushes all with the heaviest hardcore that exists this side of Nails. Ditched comes and goes before you’ve had chance to catch any breath while Feeder, with it’s ringing feedback and menacing rhythm conjures up images of greed and a hunger for power, which is surely what Fucking Invincible are raging against. The bleakness I was talking about in my opening paragraph seems to truly manifest itself in Like A Child. The mix is raw and reminds me of an early Trap Them. Fucking Invincible rounds out the EP with the blistering duo of No Exit and Get It Wrong. Powerviolence fuelled hardcore that takes no prisoners. It’s all over in little more than ten minutes and stomps a giant shoe sized print into your head. Fucking Invincible are a band that release music as quickly as they play it, with no less than seven releases since their inception in 2012. Drive and creativity like that will surely keep them in people’s consciousness (whether they like it or not).

You can stream this EP and their previous output via Atomic Action! Records here:-

Digital downloads are available from the label's bandcamp page above and physical copies can be picked up via their online store here - http://atomicactionrecords.bigcartel.com.

Fucking Invincible Website - http://fuckinginvincible.blogspot.com/
Fucking Invincible Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/FCKINGINVINCIBLE
Atomic Action! Records Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AtomicActionRecords

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