Monday 8 February 2016

Glarus - 2014 Demo


1. Everything
2. Fire
3. Nothing

I will get onto reviewing some newer and longer Dry Cough Records releases soon, but for now I wanted to write a little about this demo that's been sitting in my collection for while. Released in August 2015 by Dry Cough, this three-track tape bares not only more than a passing association with the label but also with some of Manchester's finest underground heaviness (past and present). This release sprung to mind because I noticed that they're going to be supporting German hardcore band Jungbluth in a week or so and because they're another noteworthy homegrown band.

Much like the previous output from Dry Cough Records, this demo from Glares is riffy and heavy. It’s thick metal guitar blends in alongside the cleanly sung vox on Everything. When this demo was recorded, Glarus was a power-trio but have swelled since, I can definitely see why they needed the fourth member. Their sound is mesmerising and having the extra guitarist would really bring it to life. The growls that are used in the latter half of Everything maybe more reminiscent of previous label output but it’d be dismissive to compare that to this demo. The metallic tones of Fire provides a hardcore outlook to proceedings and definitely a greater metal influence too. It’s off-kilter rhythms and swathes of ambience make it one of those all-encompassing listens that you can’t help but feel engaged with. The bass that rumbles during Nothing is backed up by a catchy as hell percussive beat. This songs reminds me of old-school screamo from the early 00’s (I maybe way off the mark with that comparison but you can blame it on the clean vocals!). it’s not too long before the sludge influence makes it’s presence felt. Nothing swirls and lurches onwards, providing yet another completely different feeling. I think that when a band can present their ideas in three different ways but still as one cohesive whole, they’re more than worth their salt. When you consider the backgrounds of Glarus, you’ll realise that they are anyway. More please!

You can stream the demo and grab it as a name-your-price download below:-

Buy a tape copy here -

Glarus Facebook -
Dry Cough Records Facebook -

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