Sunday, 7 February 2016

Partisan - Partisan LP


1. Run Run Run
2. Unhappy People
3. Children In Love
4. Public Humiliation

Expectations always run high when ex and/or current members of well-known hardcore bands turn their hands to a new project. People expect it to be a hardcore band itself, which is often not the case. It's best to approach it with no expectations at all. Partisan quietly released their self-titled LP via Hypertension Records late last year. Partisan features ex and current members of Rise And Fall and Oathbreaker, playing noisy post-punk type stuff. 

Opening up with a cacophony of noisy guitar, Partisan slowly infuses melody into Run Run Run and also a goth-like sensibility. It’s pretty clever being able to switch between loud passages and laid back verses, while not ruining the listening experience. Jazz and twinkly pop are the order the day on Unhappy People, which banishes the headache that Run Run Run induced. The vocals again are minimal and there’s a sense of experimentation flowing through it. It’s hard to adequately describe how good Partisan is. There’s a real subtlety about Children In Love. You expect it to be really sugary-sweet and clean, yet there’s an underlying foreboding hidden within it. That and a twisted channelling of R.E.M! Closing song Public Humiliation is mid-paced and full-off cracking guitar work and foreboding atmospherics. This is a release that really needs to be listened to and digested. It’s weird and accessible at the time. Really really enjoyable!

You can stream and purchase the LP in digital and physical form here:-

It's available from Hypertension Records here -

Partisan Facebook -
Hypertension Records Facebook -

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