Monday, 2 November 2015

Unholy Grave/Nak'ay - Split 5"


Side A - 
1. Unholy Grave - Intolerance

Side B - 
2. Nak'ay - Strangle The Earth
3. Nak'ay - Self-Medicate
4. Nak'ay - No News
5. Nak'ay - Desensitized
6. Nak'ay - Feasts Of War (Assuck Cover)

The second 5" record I've pulled out of my collection is this fast-as-hell split between Japan's perennial grinders Unholy Grave and US trio Nak'ay. It was released back in 2012 as a joint effort between some heavyweight labels including Haunted Hotel Records, Crucificados Pelo Sistema, Drop Out Records, EverydayHate, Insurgency Records and To Live A Lie, whom I picked my copy up from a while back. It contains seven songs and lasts a little under four-minutes. I know I'm a bit late (understatement) writing about this but hey ho, I'm not being dictated to this afternoon!

 Unholy Grave kicks off the A-side with one gloriously tuneful but low-fi slab of grinding fury. Intolerance in madcap and raw as hell, but UG manages to fit a lot into it. Japanese grind is fun! All six of Nak’ay’s tracks on side-B just flail into one. It’s like they’re playing a live set without stopping in order to fit in as many songs a possible. I can’t even keep up with them! They’ve got plenty of low-end, especially during the cover Of Assuck’s Feasts Of War (all six-seconds of it). I really should work on picking up the discographies of both bands. 

You can Intolerance by Unholy Grave here:-

Nak'ay has their side up on bandcamp too:-

Grab a copy from the links below (if copies are still available):-

Crucificados Pelo Sistema -
Drop Out Records -
EverydayHate -
Haunted Hotel Records -
Insurgency Records -
To Live A Lie Records -

Unholy Grave Facebook -
Drop Out Records Facebook -
EverydayHate Facebook -
Haunted Hotel Records Facebook -
Insurgency Records Facebook -
To Live A Lie Records Facebook -

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