Friday, 9 January 2015

Spewtilator - Goathrower 7"

Wow, I've only been back at work a week and I'm already knackered! The show must go on though. Seriously, sorry for the lack of posts this week, things have caught up with me a bit and time hasn't been forthcoming. I've been looking forward to this evening all week. I've been cutting down on the alcohol intake since the new year and finally cracked open a keg of beer this evening (yes, a keg!). It's also the first chance this week that I've had to sit down and listen to some heavy musical stylings.

Those stylings come in the form of Atlanta, Georgia heavy band Spewtilator (one of my favourite band names ever and I'm sure I've said that before somewhere). They released the Goathrower 7" last year via US label Boris Records (whom my friend Martin reminded me about a while ago). Spewtilator have been plying their brand of death-thrash-grind since 2007, in the form of many demo's, EP's and splits.


1. Goathrower
2. Cherokee Curse
3. Cave Of Hatred (Wizard Of Jams)
4. Afterworld Inebriation
5. Let's Get Drugs

Spewtilator start things off with a title-track filled with rabid thrash. Their approach is raw and the recording/mastering brings that out with aplomb. It’s the kind of raw that makes complete sense and makes them sound even meaner. The death-fuelled vox and the powerful instrumentation (including that blinding solo), shows that Spewtilator mean business.

There’s no time for noodling here. Cherokee Curse follows immediately with the contrasting high/low-pitched screams helping to remind you that this band isn’t a one-trick pony. Remember the first time you heard Iron Reagan? You’ll get that same feeling again when listening to Spewtilator.
They go into grinding-overdrive on the scarily short Cave Of Hatred (Wizard of Jams). This is where their love of all things super-fast meets their love of thrash. Twenty-seven seconds of madness.

Afterworld Inebriation creates the perfect setting for the perfect circle-pit, with the awesome drumming that kicks things off. There’s simply no let up on pace throughout the song and the use of melody makes it better. They’ve clearly been brought up on true heavy metal! Ending with the battering ram Let’s Get Drugs, Spewtilator bring things to a close in typically intense fashion. No guesses what they did when they finished recording this beast! 

The artwork and the song-titles should give a big enough clue, but Spewtilator are brilliant, rip-roaring fun. Best listened to on vinyl of course!

Jam Goathrower here:-

You can purchase Goathrower both digitally and physically from Boris Records via their bandcamp page above.

Spewtilator Facebook -
Boris Records Facebook -

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