Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Depravation/Slowly We Rot - Split Tape

It was while writing my recent review of the Worms Feed S/T LP, that I learnt about the formation of Slowly We Rot. I'd known about their German counterparts Depravation for a little while and was already in possession of their split tape, released in 2014 by Skin & Bones Records and German label Dark Omen Records. It seems only right to review it, as both bands have released/or will be releasng new music.

The tape itself was limited to 100 copies and came with a choice of green, yellow and white covers and custom sprayed tapes to match. In Slowly We Rot's own words they play "blackened everything", while Depravation are of a similarly metallic ilk.


1. Depravation - With Dead Eyes To See
2. Slowly We Rot - Leftover
3. Slowly We Rot - Solitary Realm

Depravation are first to launch an attack on this split, on the song With Dead Eyes To See. It’s their only song on here and they don’t waste any time in getting their crusty, blackened point across. Their sound is one of chaotic hardcore with menacing guitar harmonies and raging percussion. Bleak is a word used a lot to describe heavy music, but it’s apt for the atmosphere that Depravation create. US hardcore may be more in vogue, but European hardcore is more dangerous and quite frankly, more exciting in my opinion!

Slowly We Rot follow with two songs. The rawness of Leftover eschews the barrage of noise left by Depravation, but no less gruesome. SWR’s low-end is more prominent and their overall sound leans more towards hardcore, in between the feedback. They present sludgy undertones at the start of Solitary Realm before energetically diving into some grind-laden blackness. SWR are truly maniacal during that opening passage, before they are restrained by more settling sludge tones. They exhibit the power of fellow Belgians like Seventh Circle, creating a claustrophobic impression in the process.

Both Depravation and Slowly We Rot are perfect co-habitants on this tape. Both present dark and deathly outlooks into the outside world, for those too nervous to venture forth, but also share the same DIY passion. A passion that’s obviously been shared by Skin & Bones and Dark Omen, when producing the finished product. Grab a copy before it’s too late!

Stream it via Skin & Bones Records here:- 

It's available as a name-you-price download from the above link.

Tapes can be purchased from both labels below:-

Skin & Bones Records - http://skinandbonesrecs.bigcartel.com
Dark Omen Records - http://darkomenrecords.storenvy.com/collections

Depravation Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/depravationkills
Slowly We Rot Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/slowlywerot616
Skin & Bones Records Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SkinAndBonesRecords
Dark Omen Records - https://www.facebook.com/darkomenrecords/

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