Sunday, 8 July 2012

TesseracT - Perspective EP

TesseracT are one of the new raft of bands that have appeared, inspired by a proggier and more experimental sound. They've struck a chord with many people thanks to their sound and touring ethics. They also happen to be from the UK, which makes things even sweeter.

TesseracT are currently signed to the almighty Century Media and have recently released this EP, Perspective. The EP represents something different from the band, as it's completely inspired by acoustic music.


1. Perfection
2. April
3. Origin
4. Dream Brother (Jeff Buckley Cover)
5. Eden 2.0

Perfection starts with a building instrumental intro. The vocals come in about a minute into the song and sound majestic. This is a re-recording of the song that appeared on their first album, One. It's put together really well, with swathes of piano, acoustic guitar and electronic samples and sounds a world away from the original version.

April is another re-recorded song from One. Again the vocals make the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, they are clean and clear and thanks to the slick production, the entire package sounds incredible. The music itself hasn't got any of the experimental, off-kilter trappings you'd usually get from a band of this ilk, which is good. It means you can't categorise it and can appreciate it for what it is.

Origin is the third re-recording from One. The thing that strikes me here is the drumming that sits underneath the music. The rhythms that are created are pretty amazing. This song is more experimental in its structure and textures than the two previous songs, but it just sound epic in its delivery. I don't care that it's not a raging slab of metal, because it's not meant to be. The bass guitar riffs towards the end of the track gives an insight into the creative mind at the heart of TesseracT and finish off a great song.

Dream Brother is a cover version of the song by Jeff Buckley and starts with acoustic guitar, which seems to have a Middle-Eastern twinge to it.  The percussion can be heard deep within the music during the first verse and it all sits underneath those amazing vocals.

So it's on to final song Eden 2.0. This is a re-recording too, but unlike the rest of the songs Perspective, this sounds a lot heavier in it's delivery. The music on show is very listenable and gives a new direction to a genre, which was becoming rather overcrowded.

The songs on display here feature the vocals of TesseracT recently departed vocalist Elliot Coleman. It's a huge pity that he's left the band, as his vocals really added to the EP and fitted in perfectly with the music. TesseracT are currently searching for a new vocalist.

If you put all of that out of your head though and listen to Perspective for what it is, you'll find lots to appreciate and enjoy. It's an escape from the negativity and brutality of most metal music and it's played by a band who are forward thinking, original and who play music for themselves. I'd strongly recommend this EP to anyone who likes mature, clever music!

You can pick up Perspective from Century Media via digital download at and you can buy physical copies from the Store links on TesseracT's own website

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