This is third Moloch release I've reviewed. The more I listen to this band, the more intrigued I become. Moloch as an entity has been very prolific since the first demo was released in 2004, with a 65-strong discography, according to the band's Metal-Archives page.
This particular releases has been pressed on a few different formats since it was released in 2008. Including the original CD version, featuring the above cover art, as well as various boxed sets and tapes. The tape I was sent is the Asian version from Slava Productions in Thailand. It was a limited pressing of 366 hand numbered copies. Mine is number 10!
1. Svartalfaheimr
2. Ljosalfaheimr
3. Asaheimr
4. Jotunheimr
5. Helheimr
6. Vanaheimr
7. Jotunheimr (Pt. ll)
8. En As I Dype Skogen (Darkthrone cover)
9. Microcosmos
Opener Svartalfaheimr begins with very anthemic guitar and
faint drums. The vocals are high-pitched shrieks, buried amongst the music.
They fade in and out of the music and sound very disturbing. It's a brief
opening song.
Ljosalfaheimr sounds more downbeat in it's delivery. The
same high-pitched vocals remain but the riffs are slower and more drone inspired.
The vocals here sound very maddening. The way they are layered as well makes
them sound even more hellish.
The production and sound on the cassette also helps to
increase the atmosphere, with a subtle hissing underneath the guitars.
The songs end quite abruptly as well and as third song
Asaheimr kicks in; all you can do is buckle up for the ride. There are touches
of ambience within the guitars but this is solo black metal at it's finest.
Fourth song Jotunheimr is a guitar laden instrumental, with
plenty of feedback drenched riffs. It breaks up the unnerving atmosphere
created by Moloch's screams.
Fifth song Helheimr is another short blast of ambient black
metal madness. Much like the rest of the tape, the guitars rule the roost, only
diminishing slightly when the vocals kick. The bass and drums can be faintly
heard in the background. This rounds off side 1 of the tape.
The second side features the other four songs. Vanaheimr
carries on in the same format. Its running time is only just over a minute, so
it feels a little like a second intro.
Jotunheimr (pt. II) is the second instrumental on the tape.
Much like Jotunheimr on the first side, the guitars carry it along with a
consistent beat in the background from the drums. There are nice swathes of
ambience and other instruments in the background of the song too though,
signalling it out as a subtly different song.
En As I Dype Skogen is a Darkthrone Cover with a difference.
It starts with what sounds like a programmed beat and the main melody is played
on keys. This piece of music carries the ambient influences of Moloch and does
away with the harsh black metal sound heard throughout the rest of the record. There
are even no guitars heard on the song.
The final salvo on this tape is the seventeen minute
instrumental Microcosmos. A song inspired by the heavens above our heads. There
are crashes of thunder amongst the orchestral ambience. This is a slow and
relaxing piece of music though, which wouldn't be out of place on an exotic
film score.
I gather that this particular version of A Journey To The Vyrdin is difficult to get hold of, so the best thing to do is go to Moloch's store at Depressive Illusions Records -
They have copies available and you can also visit Moloch at and on Facebook at
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