Wednesday, 4 July 2012

PanzerBastard - Gods, Thugs and Madmen EP

This is my second review of the night and my second from the mighty Patac Records. This is a bruising five-track EP by Boston, MA metal band PanzerBastard. This record was also released in August last year, but time doesn't matter when it comes to metal.

1. Gods, Thugs and Madmen
2. Belfast City Meltdown
3. 10 Years
4. B.L.O.D
5. The Last Bullet Is Mine

Gods, Thugs and Madmen kicks this EP off, with blazing guitars and southern rock n roll inspired growls. PanzerBastard feature Pantera inspired vocals alongside awesome driving riffs and a fast as hell rhythm section. The solo mid-way through is a joy to behold and this is a great song to start things of. It sound evil but you could have a good old headbang to it too.

Belfast City Meltdown follows on with a great, screaming solo right from the off. This song is more hardcore inspired, vocal wise, but looses none of its impact and it drags you kicking and screaming into the circle pit!  The music takes a demonic, doomy turn towards the end of the song with the sole aim of crushing you into submission.

10 Years has more of a black metal tone to it, again thanks to the raspy growls. Like the songs that came before it, it seems PanzerBastard are happy to inject loads of variation into their songs, to keep you rocking. The music is powered along by those crazed guitars that just sound heavy as hell. They even manage to fit in some folk-ish singing at the end, which shows they have a sense of fun.

B.L.O.D starts with some awesome drumming and bass rhythms. Whirlwind guitar makes the music sound even more rollicking as well. This song seems a thrashier affair, proving that you can't pin these guys down to any specific genre.

Final salvo, The Last Bullet is Mine ends the EP the way started, with plenty of southern charm and semi-melodic guitar. PanzerBastard are hellbent on closing this record on a high, so you get plenty of semi-doomy riffs, screeching solos and raucous double bass. The repetitive riffs towards the end seems to get heavier and heavier as this heaving mass comes to an end.

Gods, Thugs and Madmen is a hell of record, with a big sound thanks to a great production. There’s plenty here for everyone to get into and as my first intro into PanzerBastard, it’s pretty damn good!

You can stream this record via Patac Record's Bandcamp page below:- 

You can purchase digital copies from the Bandcamp link above and you can buy physical copies direct from Patac Records at in lovely, 10" vinyl form.

PanzerBastard can be found on Facebook at

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