Saturday, 10 June 2017

Archelon/Hundred Year Old Man - Weekender July 2017

Sheffield post-metal/sludge band Archelon will be teaming up with fellow Leeds atmospheric post-metal band Hundred Year Old Man for a short run of four shows at the end of July, starting in Leeds on July 27th and ending in Nottingham on July 30th.

The event pages are below:-

Weekender Page -
Leeds (w/Mastiff) -
Birmingham -
Cardiff (w/Tides Of Sulphur) -
Nottingham -

Archelon are a six-piece that have self-released two EPs to date, with the latest being "II". You can stream it below, where it's also available as a name-your-price download:-

They've been compared to ISIS (the band) and Russian Circles, so if you like multi-layered music with progression and melody then give them a listen.

Hundred Year Old Man might be familiar to some, after the interview I did with the band back in February last year. Also a six-piece, they've released two EPs to date too, with "Black Fire" being the latest. They're really captivating and offer something a little different in live enviroment. 

It's available to stream and purchase as a name-your-price download, as well as on cd below:-

Archelon -
Hundred Year Old Man -

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