Saturday, 9 April 2016

Human Bodies/Leather Chalice - Split 7"


1. Human Bodies - Only The Sigh
2. Human Bodies - Malice Prepense
3. Leather Chalice - Good Intentions (Coming Home Part One)
4. Leather Chalice - Last Gifts Of Worship (Coming Home Part Two)

After a couple of days of walking round in a confused and angry haze, I'm back to relative normality (if such a thing even exists!). I wanted something noisy to give me a jolt and this split between Human Bodies and Leather Chalice should do nicely. Released in limited quantities last September by Broken Limbs Recordings and Prison Tatt Records, it brings together two of the most cerebral acts in the US extreme underground. 

Black metal band Human Bodies have been pretty busy of late, having completed a full U.S tour around the release of the 7”. Their sound here is emblazoned with black n roll rhythms and rasping distant screams on Only The Sigh. Malice Prepense follows after a short pause and immediately picks up the momentum. The soundscape they weave is full of metallic nuances and black dissonance but it’s also really listenable. Leather Chalice are all the more atavistic and raw. Good Intentions (Coming Home Part One) features caustic screams and a recognisably intense musical backdrop. Last Gifts Of Worship (Coming Home Part Two), like the rest of the songs on this split is brief but no less impacting. The varied approaches by both Human Bodies and Leather Chalice compliment each other. Both bands deserve the praise they’ve already gained and more besides. if you’re bored of the usual black metal blueprint then check this out. The artwork is worth the price of admission on its own!

Stream and download the split here:-

Grab the 7" from the below links -

Broken Limbs Recordings -
Prison Tatt Records -

Human Bodies Facebook -
Leather Chalice Facebook -
Broken Limbs Recordings Facebook -
Prison Tatt Records Facebook -

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