Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Sadiemae - Susanatkins-Whitehouse + II


1. Susanatkins-Whitehouse

I occasionally feature weird noise on here. It's something I dabble in and UK one-man noise band Sadiemae contacted me via the blog in September last year, to let me know about this self-released track that was concocted through the use of different electronic toys/effects and the Manson family! This entity has no social media presence and just a sole bandcamp page that marks it's existence. I have no other info!

Susanatkins-Whitehouse spans ten solitary, terrifying minutes. It builds with all kinds of pitch-bent spoken word samples, effects and rumbling feedback. I remember watching Sloth Hammer live and hearing similar effects in their set, but here Sadiemae doesn’t incorporate rhythms, bass or anything close to doom. Some the higher pitched effects sound like bastardised bagpipes or harmonicas. The Manson samples that are masked within the piece only add to it’s sinister delivery and feel. The pulsing siren-like squeal at the 6-7 minute mark is strangely hypnotic and while Sadiemae doesn’t produce the kind of skull-crushing noise that some might have expected, there’s still more than enough atmosphere to leave a mark. Harrowing indeed!

Stream the whole track below, where it's also available for free download:-


1. I
2. II

While listening to Susanatkins-Whitehouse, I noticed a second offering that had been posted onto bandcamp in February. This time featuring two very short tracks, so extra investigation was needed.

I is mixture of squalid white noise and feedback, while II is more ambient and features a sample that stretches the entire length of the track and it kind of reminded me of the constant propaganda delivered to people by the ruling class in North Korea.

Again you can stream both tracks below:-

They're also available as a name-your-price download.

Sadiemae really should be producing haunting background ambience for horror movies on the strength of these two digital releases. Noise fans get acquainted!

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