Thursday, 2 April 2015

Occult 45 - Human Abhorrence 7"


1. Plaster Saint
2. Tyranny Stomp
3. Chainsaw Vigilante
5. Wizard Of Gore
6. Succubi
7. Death With Dignity

Tonight is all about fast, nasty grind and hardcore, which will set me up nicely for the four-day weekend ahead. This is one of the latest release from US label Broken Limbs Recordings, who're stepping it up this year. The label has already released slew of tapes and are now whipping out the wax. This is the latest 7" from Philly grinders Occult 45 and funnily enough, it features 7 tracks! Occult 45 are another band that I really should've checked out before now.

This is dirty and sleazy. It’s full of bass and blasts. Plaster Saint opens up Human Abhorrence with an off-kilter wall of grind with a drugged-up conscience. They well and truly smash the nail on the proverbial head during Tyranny Stomp. It’s groove matches it’s growl and the short playing time makes the song sound furious. The jilting noise that usher’s in Chainsaw Vigilante might set your teeth on edge, but that’s exactly what Occult 45 are going for. There’s absolutely no point in creating a racket like this if you’re not going to go all out! They reach their frenzied best on PPFO, which goes in a stomping punk direction towards the end of it’s sub one-minute run. Wizard of Gore is the best song-title period. The song itself brings vivid images of sweaty basement shows to the forefront of your mind and makes you wish you were in the room with em. The term Occult doesn’t appear in their name by chance, as demonstrated by the raging Succubi.The Devil isn’t just the preserve of black metal bands you know! It’s the first time since Plaster Saint that Occult 45 get their sludge jam on too. The low-end takes up most of the slack and adds to the already overflowing heft that’s felt on this record. The dank atmosphere comes to a head on closing song Death With Dignity. This time the groove is coupled with very subtle treble, which in turn sounds suitably menacing. The off-kilter grind muscle’s back into the mix shortly after though and you’re left wondering what the hell just happened. Occult 45 don’t just present 7 songs on Human Abhorrence, they present 7 realistic reasons as to why we’re all doomed. All you have to do is accept those reasons and give in!

Human Abhorrence is available to stream and download (pay-what-you-want) from BLR's bandcamp below:-

If you want that terrifying artwork staring at you (and you do!), grab a physical 7" from BLR here -

Occult 45 Facebook -
Broken Limbs Recordings Facebook -

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