Sunday, 15 February 2015

Hellwinners - S/T EP

Brighton seems to be synonymous with punk at the moment. It's pretty fitting then that the debut EP from Hellwinners was released on tape by their hometown label Headless Guru Records. Since it's release, they've toured Germany with We Never Learned To Live and saw the EP get a vinyl release via Through Love Records. As far as I understand it, the band features members of other bands that've featured here in the past, but you'll have to find out who for yourselves!


1. Living Like Statues
2. Wired Awake
3. Down The River
4. Back From The Future

I can definitely here those other bands in the melodic punk of Hellwinners. Living Like Statues is a bit of surprise when it’s melody hits you, especially if you’ve been used to HGR’s heavier output of late. This is great though, really listenable and not annoyingly programmed, like a lot of modern pop-punk. I hear slight similarities to Nightmare Of You (post The Movielife) in the vocals Wired Awake. The higher pitch more than compliments the clean guitar in the background and the upbeat tempo created by the rhythm section.

The four songs contained on this EP are the sounds of summer. Sing-alongs that you can actually sing to and music that portrays an obvious posi outlook. Down The River is one such anthem. I challenge you not to sing it at the top of your voice! I don’t really want to make anymore comparisons as Back From The Future plays. It should be appreciated for what it is. Punk comes in many different shapes and sizes and when extreme metal becomes too extreme, this is kid of thing I sit a listen to. Hellwinners will definitely be on repeat over and over again at this rate. 

There's only one copy of the tape version left from Headless Guru Records. Act fast and grab it or download the EP from free from the bandcamp page below:-

7" copies can be purchased from Through Love Records here:-

Hellwinners Facebook -
Headless Guru Records Facebook -
Through Love Records Facebook -

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