Sunday, 25 March 2012

Obsessor - Sick Salvation Tape

So, I decided it was time a got a couple of Tankcrimes release reviews out to you. Obsessor is a mysterious metallic hardcore punk solo project, from Richmond, Virginia USA. Sick Salvation has been released as a two track cassette single. This is the second tape that's been released so far by Obsessor, but more are on the way.


1. Sick Salvation
2. The Demon

Sick Salvation is a thrash inspired hardcore track, with audible growls and buzzsaw guitar. It’s hard to imagine that one person recorded this! There are smatterings of Slayer and Celtic Frost influences within the music, it's evil but you can still bang your head to it. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and that's what’s great fun about it.

Second track The Demon has a more straightforward song structure, but is just as fun. It's got a distinctly old school feel to it, bringing back the days when thrash and black metal bands co-existed and when punk was dangerous. This would be awesome live. The guitar work in the song is brilliant and gives it a great melodic edge.

Overall, it's a short but sweet release, which gives you a great taste of what's to come from Obsessor. Perfect for keg parties, and talking of keg parties, the sun is shining here so that's given me a great idea!

Get yourself more acquainted with Obsessor below:-
There are various ways to get hold of these tracks. They are up for download on the Tankcrimes site via the music tab and you can by physical tapes via

Also, Obsessor are on Facebook, so you can keep up to date with what they're doing at Don't sleep on Obsessor!

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