Saturday, 17 March 2012

Famous Last Words - Pick Your Poison EP

It's not that often that I review records by so-called trendier bands, but then again I'm trying to help bands and my blog reach new audiences, so it's not such a bad thing. This seven track EP is by Michigan based, screamo band Famous Last Words and was released on the 17th of January this year.


1. Labyrinth
2. Starting Over
3. I'll Get You Next Time Gadget
4. This isn't Blackmail, This Is War.
5. Interlude
6. Snowmaggedon
7 Bob Cox Lives In Ohio

Labyrinth starts with a breakdown infused, electro build up reminiscent of Enter Shikari. They use a mixture of screamo and cleanly, sung vocals and musical effects to add even more of a modern sheen to their sound. The production is good, and despite all the gadgetry on display with the samples and effects, the hardcore inspired instrumentation is allowed to breathe.  The modern sound of the album will probably annoy more traditional metalheads, but it's a good bridge for new fans between the mainstream and the underground.

Second track Starting Over is more straightforward initially, with the hardcore vocals that kick things off. The song follows a more tried and tested structure than the opener, with a screamed verse followed by a sung chorus, breakdowns and more dance elements. Whichever way you look at it, this album isn't subtle about its use of modern influences.

The post-hardcore influence singing adds a nice touch of melody to the record. The effects can make it a bit disorientating some times, but that soon dissipates. I have to admit, the use of vocal effects in I'll Get You Next Time Gadget, are not my favourite, but that's my opinion and I'm only one person.

The band do show some heavy metal influences on the record, with the inclusion of some nice guitar harmonies, like the ones on fourth song This Isn't Blackmail, This Is War. Fifth song Interlude is just that, an upbeat dance inspired interlude. Their penultimate track Snowmageddon is actually the most brutal track on the record and brings their mosh credentials to the fore. Final track, Bob Cox Lives In Ohio is pure pop-punk loveliness from the start.

I think Famous Last Are Better when they're not fitting too many different effects into their songs, but I appreciate they're catering for a certain market with this EP.
It's a great start and they show great promise, so I'm looking forward to seeing how their sound progresses as they release more music.

You can check out Famous Last Words at, where you can stream Pick Your Poison in it's entirety. Also head over to where you can purchase the album if you like what you hear.

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