Tuesday, 3 January 2017

The Art Of Noise: Murderofcrows - No Longer

I wanted to set myself a challenge for 2017. I wanted to increase the variety of posts that I publish on my blog and this is one that I've been planning for while, in the hope that it becomes a regular one. As you may have guessed (by the rather strenuous title), this post is about art and more accurately, the art that adorns album/ep covers. 

Cover art is a big draw for me when buying records (aside from the music of course). I decided that I wanted to get the perspective of both artist and band, to find out what inspired the art chosen and what it means to them. This first post might be a little different to future ones because the artist is also in the band. The band is Gothenburg hardcore/punk act Murderofcrows and the artist is Daniel Liljedahl. "No Longer" was released in June 2015.

What inspired you to design the artwork for “No Longer”?

The cover is directly inspired by and connected to the meaning behind the two songs on this release, No Longer and Killjoy. I wanted to show the feeling behind those songs in a visual way.

Is there a meaning behind it and what does it mean to you?

It is a representation of humanity, of all the dirty shit that humans do. It also shows paths taken to not take as much of a part in all the suffering that human kind has caused. (By suffering I mean exploitation of animals and the Earth, and discrimination because of genders, identities, sexualities, backgrounds, countries of origin, class, or religions)

You can stream and download "No Longer" here:-

Dani's art can be viewed via their Facebook page here - https://www.facebook.com/DlArtDesign/, along with how to reach them for commissions.

Murderofcrows Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mocofficial

Footnote: This feature series will more than likely evolve as time goes on. Thanks to Dani for taking the time to answer these questions and for taking part in this small feature. 

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