Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Let It Die - The Liar & The Saint


1. Release
2. One Hundred Days
3. Punish
4. Take All The Heads Of The People, And Hang Them Up Before The Lord Against The Sun
5. Dysphoria
6. Oderint Dum Metuant
7. Pathetic
8. Soul Deceiver
9. Choke
10. The Last Monument
11. Heaven And The Eternity Of Tears (Part I)
12. Heaven And The Eternity Of Tears (Part II)

It's been over three years since Let It Die's last recorded output (their split 7" with Monolithic), but their first-full length "The Liar & The Saint" is here (well, it was released last November really). They self-released it and managed to get some guests to contribute, Sammy Urwin (Employed To Serve/ex-Oblivionized) and John Hoffman (Weekend Nachos), thus proving that they don't need big-label help to release a stonker (some you might know what I'm referring to here). Anyway, I've used way too many brackets in this opening paragraph so I'm gonna crack on with the review. 

It was a joy getting this LP though the post after I’d ordered it. Luke Oram’s artwork and layout on the record’s sleeve coupled with the black wax within made this record even more intriguing. Let It Die’s fast metallic hardcore has always been a treat and LP opener Release feels like just that. They’re a positive bunch but you wouldn’t know it from listening to those riffs. The extended intro gives way too vocals that are crying out for crowd-wide shout alongs. Their grinding influence comes out during the crazed bars of One Hundred Days, as do huge sounding hardcore refrains. Punish features John Hoffman (Weekend Nachos) providing guest vocals, which add to the intensity of an already heavy song. Even Let It Die’s characteristic dirge-like passages don’t temper it and the screaming feedback that closes it is an uncomfortable listen for anyone. The sub one-minute Take All The Heads Of The People… starts fast and the slows down, providing an atmosphere all of it’s own. Dysphoria features an immense breakdown during the mid-section that winds it’s way into Sammy Urwin’s screaming fast solo. I still can’t get over how powerful Let It Die are as a trio. The production and mastering has allowed songs like Oderint Dum Metuant to sound incredibly bass-heavy. Everything sounds up-front. Pathetic is anything but. Bewilderingly heavy (I’ve used that word too much here already) and gone before you know it. There’s simply no let up as Soul Deceiver continues to bombard and bludgeon. The unhinged high-pitched screams towards the end are perfectly placed too. Choke contains some incredibly tight percussion and even brief amounts of groove. The Last Monument is filled with straight-up hardcore and sludge that feels as thick as it sounds. They end “The Liar & The Saint” with a two-parter. Heaven And The Eternity Of Tears (Part I) is very much more of the same, barely lasting over sixty-seconds, while (Part II) follows after a slight pause, with the sound of feedback and bass riffs. Things feel entirely different now and the sludge that was only hinted at earlier on in the record, makes a more lengthy appearance. It makes for an incredibly dank atmosphere. The perfect way to end. This is not easy listening, but then that’s why you’re here. Let It Die has produced an LP that will help you to let go of your pent up rage in a positive way. That’s got to be a achievement worth shouting about. 

You can stream and purchase "The Liar & The Saint" digitally below:-

LP's are available here -

Let It Die Facebook -

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