Sunday, 20 December 2015

Downers - Noose 7"


1. Graze
2. Erased
3. Grown Out

I loved Me Vs Hero and was gutted to hear they'd called it a day. Thankfully, out of the ashes of that band (as well as others) comes Downers. Obviously a musician is only as good as their current band, so the comparisons to the former stops here. Downers by their own admission play shoegaze and grunge-laden pop rock. It sounds like a combination that you might not expect to appear on this blog, but I have featured similar bands like Simmer and Playlounge in the past, so am partial to it. Noose is the band's third EP and their second of 2015! It was released in August via Local Colour Records. 

Tuneful and catchy are perfect adjectives for opener Graze. It’s an assured song that teeters between loud walls of guitar and soothing vocals. You’ll on doubt come to your own conclusion about who Downers would sit next to in your record collections, but on first listen this easily stands up on its own. Erased takes the band’s sound and injects a subtle amount of angst but keeps it radio-friendly. The music is textured and layered in such a way that it doesn’t sink into a noisy mess. Downers nod back to the likes of Nirvana and Alice In Chains while not forgetting their past pop-punk endeavours. It’s certainly mature. EP closer Grown Out is a mid-tempo song with plenty of driving guitar. The harsher vocals towards the end highlight their grunge-influence and ups the volume somewhat. I love this EP. Downers are building themselves a solid platform with this and deserve more attention. I think they could breakthrough into the Mainstream in the same way that Mallory Knox did and there’s no reason why they shouldn’t.

Decide for yourselves by streaming Noose below:-

You can download it for £2 from the bandcamp page above or you can grab a 7" from Local Colour Records below -

Downers Facebook -
Local Colour Records Facebook -

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