Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Recollection - Paul (Hundred Year Old Man)

So after what seems like an age (it's only been a few weeks), I'm back with the 6th instalment of "Recollection". This time Paul Broughton from Leeds based post-metal band Hundred Year Old Man has heeded the call and sent me some musings about his ten favourite records. Enjoy.

Vision Of Disorder - "S/T"
This one is in my list solely for the fact that this album is what got me into hardcore. Before this, my tastes were a little on the nu metal side until my partner at the time gave me a copy of this album and opened my eyes to a world of hardcore. Basically everything started with this album for me and I haven't looked back since.

Refused - "Shape Of Punk To Come"
This is in my opinion the greatest punk album ever written. They took the best of what they'd done before then and cranked it up to 11! Another album that blew my mind as a kid and stuck with me ever since.

Converge - "Petitioning The Empty Sky"
A lot of people list Jane Doe as the perfect Converge album but for me it will always be petitioning.. Saddest day is a blueprint to how you can write a 9 minute song with zero filler and I'll fight anyone who says the beatdowns of Color Me Blood Red aren't some of the best they've ever heard!

Botch - "We Are The Romans"
Come on, this album is the reason half of modern bands are here today. Without Botch, there's no modern metalcore (some might argue that wouldn't be a bad thing) this is another album that changed the way I looked at writing music.

Bastions - "Hospital Corners"
A modern release that stuck with me since I heard it. Booked this band in a tiny basement show in Leeds before this album came out and then saw them shortly after at Hevy fest where they looked in their element in both situations. Such an amazing band and this album is my go to when I need a soundtrack to hating everything.

Gallows - "Grey Britain"
This is what a punk album should sound like. Something that captured the sentiment of society and distill it into something harsh yet equally beautiful. It helps that Frank Carter is one of the best frontmen the UK has produced.

Thursday - "Full Collapse"
An album that basically epitomises an entire genre. Thursday to me are THE emo band of the 90's/early 00's and this is the best thing they released in my eyes. Flawless from start to finish.

Glassjaw - "Worship And Tribute"
Hands down my favourite band. And this is the best album they've done. Taking the basis from "eyewtkas" and mixing it with a new found maturity, this record just nails it! Whatever IT is... 

Watsky - "Cardboard Castles"
Yeah yeah, hip hop. But to me this album is the perfect combination of lyrical prowess and talented songwriting. Plus watsky' one of the fastest rappers I've heard. Check it out along with his spoken word stuff.

Cult of Luna/Julie Christmas - "Mariner"
How could I be in the band I'm in and not love a Cult of Luna record? Combining one of the best post metal bands with Julie Christmas was a master stroke. Songs like Cygnus show what happens when a band take the effort to craft their music properly.

Thanks so much to Paul for writing this and you can listen to/buy music by Hundred Year Old Man below:-

Hundred Year Old Man Facebook -

Also, I'll be opening this feature up for reader submissions and will have the first one coming up in a couple of weeks. If you want to submit your ten favourite records, send your list and accompanying words to (remember, the list has to ideally be based around metal, punk and the like, though I do make exceptions). Thanks.

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