Thursday, 30 June 2016

Traffic Death - Terror On The Freeway 7"


1. Too Late, You Lose
2. Fuck Cancer
3. Life Justice
4. Thirst
5. Hit & Run

God I need fast stuff tonight! It's been that kind of a week so far. Traffic Death should do the trick. Hailing from Des Moines, Iowa (the same place as Slipknot), they released Terror On The Freeway as a 7" last October via Give Praise Records and Vehicular Genocide Records (which, I'm presuming is the band's own label). They're fans of the old trusty VHS format and they've got a split with The Lurking Corpses coming out soon!

Traffic Death is pure nasty old-school punk/thrash. Too Late, You Lose sounds like somebody travelled back in time and dug up some Municipal Waste demos! It’s got a similar vibe but doesn’t copy it. Fuck Cancer is as belligerent as it’s title suggests. The shouty, grinding madness is over in little more than half-a-minute. The female spoken-word sample at the beginning of Life Justice is stark and depressing, which is nothing like the music that follows it. The vocals remind of Steve “Zetro” Souza era Exodus and the instrumentation flits between sludge and thrash with a killer solo towards then end. There’s more to Traffic Death’s sound than just the genre-comparisons I’ve mentioned above and it’s little surprise that they’re partnering with The Lurking Corpses on a split record. Thirst is pure driving music, if you like driving at 100 mph all the time! They put their spin (no pun intended) on Girlschool’s Hit & Run and it sounds nothing like a hair-metal anthem, which is good thing in my opinion. There’s still plenty of lead-guitar flair going on if you like that sort of thing though. This US four-piece remind of Grease in a perverse way, yet I also feel compelled to smash car headlights and skateboard on the pavement. I like this a lot. Traffic Death rules!

You can stream Terror On The Freeway or grab it as a download/7" below:-

It's also for sale via Give Praise Records here -

Traffic Death Facebook -
Give Praise Records Facebook -

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