Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Drought - Rudra Bhakti EP


1. Suryanamaskara (Entering The Gate Of The Raging Sun)
2. Fire Breathing (Urdva Kundali Arise)
3. Reveal The Unlight (Sudden Awareness)
4. Collapse Of Maya (Transfiguration Of The Warrior)

Black metal influenced by Yoga and Tantric spirituality you say? That's right, mysterious black metallers Drought don't write about the usual subject matter. It's no surprise then that they've recently released their debut EP via Italian label Avantgarde Music. Drought has already been gathering in mighty plaudits for this release, so their unique approach is certainly no gimmick and they prefer to let their music do the talking.

Anticipation is a wonderful thing, especially when listening to a new record or band and Drought knows exactly how to create it. EP opener Suryanamaskara (Entering The Gate of The Raging Sun) conjures images of ancient Indian temples that have been plunged into enter darkness. It makes use to ambient noise and distant growls. Fire Breathing (Urdva Kundali Arise) is where Drought opens up. Angular and chaotic riffs are joined by intense percussion and deep bellows to form an uneasy yet compelling sound. Musically, they don’t stay in the same place for long. Reveal The Unlight (Sudden Awareness) is a mix of post and black metal with vocals that sound like they’re being screamed through a megaphone. At times they’re more traditional (in metal terms) too, but you have to listen closely to really hear it. Rudra Bhakti’s closer Collapse Of Maya (Transfiguration Of The Warrior) makes up half of it’s playing time and it’s suitably grand. Heavy doom-like riffs and feedback takes you even further into the gloom, before Drought breaks into metallic territory that sits them closer to bands like Ancst and Deathrite. There’s no denying the vision and bravery of Drought during these four songs. Each one has it’s own identity and story to tell, yet the whole that’s created sidesteps any notions of being disjointed. Drought has done a great job and deserve their praise. 

You can stream and purchase Rudhra Bhakti on various formats (digital, CD and 10" vinyl) below:-

Drought Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/droughtcult/
Avantgarde Music Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/avantgardemusiclabel

1 comment:

  1. Awesome record! New interview just posted at http://www.idioteq.com/place-for-new-life-a-cleansing-experience-of-rudra-bhakti/
