Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Bode Preto - Mystic Massacre


1. Intro
2. Deep Reality
3. Dark Obsession
4. Maze Of Mirrors
5. Mystic Massacre
6. Dirty Honey
7. Absurds Of Violence
8. Unknown Women
9. Wraith/The Stage And The Meadow
10. Seizures Of Fear
11. Parade
12. Feet Of Clay
13. Lethargy
14. Outro

I feel like I should be more familiar with Brazilian black metallers Bode Preto, but I'm not. This unholy trio started life in 2009 as Soturnus Skullcrusher before changing their name a year later. After releasing their debut "Dark Night" EP in 2010, their first full-length "Inverted Blood" was released on multiple formats in two years later. Mystic Massacres is their latest release, coming out on cd via Iron Tyrant and 12" via Laja Rekords in January. 

After a haunting Intro (I’ve used that line a lot in black metal reviews), Deep Reality is a shock to the system with fast and violent extremity, death metal and subtle atmosphere. That’s pretty much how the rest of the album plays out too. Dark Obsession contains a great solo that breaks up the chaos and what sounds like synths in the background (but isn't). Maze of Mirrors goes by in a flash of off-kilter grimness and the title-track contains the scariest rasps you’re likely to hear this year. Thankfully the melodic lead work gives you some relief, be it fleeting. Dirty Honey takes Bode Preto back to their grinding best and the drums are fierce throughout. The really cool thing about Mystic Massacre is that the more you listen, the more experimentation your hear. Blasting and plenty of low-end makes Absurds of Violence truly fun. The pomp of the melody underneath reminds me a bit of Dimmu Borgir as well. There literally is no time for rest on this album, even during the gaps between songs. Unknown Woman leads you well passed the mid-point with brutal accuracy. The longest tome on the record is really two songs in one. Wraith/The Stage And The Meadow takes Bode Preto’s sound and drags it closer to that of the more avantgarde black metal bands in today’s scene. It’s also the perfect opportunity for BP to add some more sensitive instrumentation. Seizures Of Fear may almost be strong to actually induce seizure, but it’s also amongst the most succinct and memorable black metal tracks on the whole record. Channelling the historic influence of Brazilian greats such as Sarcofago as it goes. The semi-whispered/spoken vocals on Parade add a really evil twist to BP’s music, while Feet Of Clay is the aural equivalent of what it would be like if you actually had feet of clay. Hard and heavy! They’re anything but slow and lurching on Lethargy, with the song providing one last full-on assault. The round of applause during the Outro seem a little tongue in cheek, but pretty humorous all the same. This album works because it’s songs are not ridiculously long. Bode Preto manages to condense their song writing yet still make an album with real substance and musical skill. Obrigado!

You can stream and purchase Mystic Massacre digitally (as well as by merch directly from Bode Preto below):-

You can up both CD and LP copies from Iron Tyrant here -

Bode Preto Facebook -
Iron Tyrant Facebook -

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