Friday, 17 June 2016

To The Future...

I am now between jobs and am about to go on holiday for week. I've not been very productive today blog-wise but I've had the chance to do some thinking and to look back at some of things I've done and wanted to do (interviews, guest columns, writing for other blogs, spin-off PR work, etc) with the blog.

It's safe to say that a lot of ideas I've tried to get off the ground in recent years, haven't got anywhere. This has been down to my laid-back attitude to all of this and other people's busy schedules. I've been feeling a little bit down about it recently because I have such passion for This Noise Is Ours and what I have achieved so far. 

When I return from holiday I really want to start to re-ignite my passion and really start to forge ahead with some of my ideas and try and get more involved in the industry again. It'll take some planning and time but I'm determined to really move forward in a bid to be taken more seriously (both for myself and the blog) and to help support bands, labels and people that feel the same way.

If any of you reading this have any ideas, projects or suggestions you want to throw my way then please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail at or via Facebook. These can be about things that I can get involved with from both a writing and a music perspective (press release writing, gig sponsorship, writing for other sites/mags, you contributing articles to my blog, etc). This isn't about money. Thanks.

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