Sunday, 4 October 2015

Abhorrent Deformity - Entity Of Malevolence


1. Crown Of Worms
2. Manifested Filth
3. Skeleton Carver
4. Buried Beneath Human Remains
5. Stench Of The Decomposed
6. Boundless Suffering
7. Entity Of Malevolence
8. Enshrined In Putrid Decay
9. Baptized In Embalming Fluid
10. Casket Maker

It's not often I sit down and write about a release prior to it actually htting people's ears, but tonight is an exception (though I should really be better at it). I've managed to get some time to check out the new and first full-length from North Carolina's Abhorrent Deformity. Entity Of Malevolence will be released via Comatose Music at the end of this month but I couldn't resist hearing it. Abhorrent Deformity have been playing slamming, brutal death metal for a couple of years now and released a demo last year. Their line-up is well versed in the art of death, including drummer Matthew Green who acted as Kraanium's live drummer for a while and they've been championed in the music press by TBDM's Trevor Strnad. 

This is the sort of record that will scare the crap out of the residents in the block I’ll be moving too soon! After a brief but blistering intro section, opening track Crown Of Worms blows any notions of easy listening out of the window. Deep growls, warp-speed drumming and technical riffs are the order of the day. Modern-day death metal sometimes sounds too clinical or watered down. No chance of that here! There’s more treble in Manifested Filth, but it’s presented in an old-school way and the slam sections are well crafted and not overplayed. AD embody the current death metal crop though and they’ve made me realise that I haven’t got enough illegible logos in my record collection. The breakdown during Skeleton Carver is best heard live, as are all of the songs on Entity Of Malevolence. Listening to this album in a confined space (for example; on public transport) might elicit a response that would involve furious moshing, such is the power and ferocity of AD’s short blasting bursts. That’s the beauty of their style though, as they don’t ponder or slowly feel their way around. They’ve got the chops to back up the horrifying song-titles. A prime example being Buried Beneath Human Remains, where the lyrics are audible! Despite all of the mayhem, they also do atmospheric too. Stench Of The Decomposed benefits from a haunting intro that adds another dimension to the song, which manages to retain the creepy feel throughout it’s near five-minute running time. There is one thing missing though and that’s some squealing solos, which Entity Of Malevolence could do with in my opinion. Minor quibbles aside, AD step up the pace and brutality on Boundless Suffering. It’s utterly metal from start to finish with a crushing use of underlying slam. They don’t pause for breath and launch into the title-track. The grinding pace of Entity Of Malevolence really does make it feel like there’s more on here than there really is. It’s certainly worth the price of admission and musically, AD nail it. The production and mastering is as you’d expect with a death metal album of this ilk, but that doesn’t mean it won’t leave a shit-eating grin on your face. Precision is always the name of game and Enshrined In Putrid Decay is structured to illustrate that point. Hell, it’s even catchy in place. By the time the brilliantly titled Baptised In Embalming Fluid comes on, you may be in a kick-drum induced trance. It’s over all too bloody quickly and closing song Casket Maker is one last blistering nail in the coffin. 

You can listen to the title-track on Youtube here:-

Though the official album release date is 30th October, copies are shipping from AD's BigCartel page here -

Abhorrent Deformity Facebook -
Comatose Music Facebook -

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