Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Hic Iacet - Prophecy of Doom 7"

The next stop on my voyage is the often stormy port of Hells Headbangers and the Prophecy of Doom 7" from Spanish black/death metallers Hic Iacet. The was released on October the 31st 2012. It features two thrashing songs of deathly proportions. This 7" was also the band's first release since singing with Hells Headbangers, having first released a demo called Hedonist of the Death in 2011, which has also been released on 12" vinyl by Hells Headbangers.


1. Ritual I: Elevation of Sun
2. Ritual II: Prophecy of Doom

Hic Iacet play suitably nasty death metal with a black-metal influence thrown in for good measure. Ritual I: Elevation of Sun feature low, almost gargled vocals and a thrashing instrumental attack underneath. In typical black/death metal style, the production is suitably old-school, with the guitars and cymbals battling it out
for your ears when the vocals are silent. The guitars let out a sinister melody in the mid section and the mid-paced passage itself is head spinning. Some people though, will find it hard to follow this due to the recording/production values, but it most certainly best listened to in it's vinyl form.

They follow the same blueprint during the title track Ritual II: Prophecy of Doom. It's equally as metallic and gruesome in it's delivery. The guitars sound like chainsaws throughout and if you try headbanging to it, you're head is sure to come clean off. I think Hic Iacet would be heavy as hell in a live setting and even though this 7" only features two songs, it's prepares you for future material. If you are a sucker for black/death in this form, you'll lap this up. The doom-ridden guitar elements in the song really add a deep-down, dirty feel. Extreme isn't the word!

Hells Headbangers have thrown a teaser up of this 7" via their bandcamp page. Check it out below:-

You can purchase the full 7" here if you like what you hear above.

Hic Iacet don't seem to be on any social media site but you can find more information on Hells Headbangers.

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