Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Does it make a difference?

A thought occurred to me the other day. For all of those people who write blogs and run websites, do you know whether you are making a difference to bands or labels by doing what you do?

I've had a few really helpful readers/bands/labels pass comment that my blog is making difference, so I thought I'd post some stats on here for you to read, not as an ego boost, but just to show you what can be achieved if you take things a bit seriously.

First up - I've been cataloging the review I've done since I started this blog back in October 2010 to show how things took off and how many reviews I did in my first full year (2011) compared to last year (2012)

2011 - I wrote 30 reviews
2012 - I wrote 181 reviews

So far in 2013 I have already written 37 reviews here.

As I sit here typing this, I have gained 52, 764 readers since the blog began!

Below is the top 10 countries list of those readers:-

United States       20501
United Kingdom  8665
Germany             1817
Russia                 1725
Sweden              1514
Ukraine              1286
Netherlands        1090
Greece               1082
France                725
Canada               720

This shows two things:-

1) That you can truly reach a global audience if you put your mind to it. That list doesn't show the full story though, as it doesn't include all of the other nationalities of people who visit.

2) That the US are looking over to Britain and Europe for genuine opinion and enthusiasm when it comes to metal/hardcore music. That's got to be something to build on!

A good friend of mine runs a full-blown music website and pulls in between 8,000-10,000 readers a month. I'm currently pulling in about 3,500 readers a month to my blog, which is pretty mind-blowing!

A few other stats relating to posts (random)-

Strife - Witness a Rebirth review/Interview - 827 readers
Knife Crimes - Complete Discography review - 227 readers
The Acacia Strain - Death Is The Only Mortal review - 224 readers
Terzij De Horde - Dutch Metal Scene feature/review - 552 readers

I guess the point I'm trying to make with all this is that if you're a blogger/writer and you persevere, you can make a difference and if you're in a band or run a label, blogs can really help to boost exposure for you.

I'd still like to here from people who visit my blog or feel that I've made a difference for your band/label, as I use that feedback to improve for the future.

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