Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Abandoncy/Norse - Split 10"

Labels: Kono Dischi/Longrail Records/Vina Records/Shove Records/New Knee Records/Tenzenmen Label

Formats: Vinyl/Digital

Release Date: 06 Jan 2023


1. Abandoncy - Machine Organism

2. Abandoncy - It'sallfunandgamesuntilimakemyselfcry

3. Norse - Colpevole

4. Norse - Complice

Back on the screamo wagon this evening (as promised in my In Wolves Clothing review) and it's gonna be that way for at least the next few posts. Once again I'm demonstrating just how far behind I am when it comes to my inbox by writing about the early 2023 split featuring Kansas City, USA's Abandoncy and Biella, Italy's Norse. It was released on 10" vinyl back in January via a wholes host of labels including Kono Dischi, Longrail Records, Vina Records, Shove Records (all from Italy), New Knee Records (USA) and Tenzenmen Label (Thailand). Today's fun fact: I first came across Tenzenmen Label via their 2012 release of Farewell To Joy by Australia's Idylls. Nostalgia aside, let's get stuck in.

I first came across Abandoncy when I picked up a copy of the 4-way Meditations In Affinity: Solicitude split (released via The Ghost Is Clear Records and Zegema Beach Records) that also included Bighand//Bigknife, Almanac Man and Emma Goldman. It was so nice to receive an e-mail from the band in promotion of their split with Norse earlier this year and I feel terrible for not getting to it sooner. It starts with Abandoncy’s ‘Machine Organism’, which is a short blast of noise-rock filled with guitar feedback and loud percussion that envelope the vocals. Calling this merely screamo was unfair. 

‘It’sallfunandgamesuntilimakemyselfcry’ is at the other end of the spectrum in song-length and musical approach, given that it leans much more towards post-rock/doom. It’s still noisy though and it fully justifies the five+ minute playing time for sure. Think of bands like Big Business and Unsane jamming at their loudest, while Chat Pile and Nerver fill in the quieter moments and you might get close to what this song is. Obviously, those comparisons are open to interpretation. Abandoncy are a band all of their own and they close out their side of this split in veritable fashion, with intense screams adding to an emotive performance.

Norse begin the split’s second half with ‘Colpevole’, which is immediately atmospheric and beat-driven. As the song’s intro bars bleed into heavier noise, more intricate melodies make themselves heard. It’s dramatic to say the least. I don’t recall hearing Norse before (I know there are a couple of bands that share that name) but I’m sold here for sure. They prove once again that split releases really do work if you’re looking for new bands to obsess over.

Their closing song ‘Complice’ brings more urgency, which is unsurprising given both the format and structure of this release. It’s with unflinching heaviness that Norse end, with a great sense of catharsis. Musically, they’re very expressive (just like Abandoncy) but in a different way, if that makes sense. I feel like I haven’t written enough about Norse and their music here, but then again I don’t feel that anymore words will do them justice. It’s hard to compare Norse and their sound to any other band. 

I’ve been digging deeper into post-rock/metal in recent months thanks to my Pelagic Records subscription. I started out in my teenage years loving nu-metal, before progressing to hardcore/metalcore later on. I’m in my late-thirties now and while I still love those sub-genres, my musical palette has changed and grown so much. I am forever indebted to any band that treads a heavier path. This split, Abandoncy and Norse are no exception.

You can stream and purchase the split digitally from both bands below (where it's also still available to buy on 10" vinyl:-

Abandoncy - https://www.facebook.com/abandoncy

Norse - https://www.facebook.com/norsepunk

Physical copies can also be purchased while stocks last, from the labels below:-

Longrail Records - https://longrailrecords.bandcamp.com/album/split-5

Vina Records - https://store.vinarecords.com/

Shove Records - https://shoverec.bandcamp.com/album/split-norse-abandoncy

New Knee Records - https://norseabandoncyknr.bandcamp.com/album/split

Kono Dischi - https://www.facebook.com/konodischi/

Longrail Records - https://www.facebook.com/longrailrecords/

Vina Records - https://www.facebook.com/vinarecords/

Shove Records - https://www.facebook.com/profile

New Knee Records - https://www.facebook.com/Newkneerecords

Tenzenmen Label - https://www.facebook.com/tenzenmen.label

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