Last September, War Wolf and Sob Story put out a split tape that sold out pretty fast. It was a bit of a precursor to War Wolf's LP, Crushing The Ways of The Old. I'm not really sure what happened to Sob Story, but they seemed to dissappear as quickly as they appeared (I think they featured ex-members of or all used to be in Dashwood, though I'm sure someone can correct me on that). Each band performs two tracks on this split.
1. War Wolf - Land of Betrayal
2. War Wolf - Foxhole Nihilist
3. Sob Story - Not Like You
4. Sob Story - Get Out
The sample at the start of War Wolf’s opener Land of Betrayal is as harrowing as they come. The backdrop created by the nuns praying and their description of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ prepares you for the unholy sounds that lies ahead. War Wolf seem to take on a different persona here, with a menacing and more off-kilter sound. There’s still subtle elements of punk in the riffs, but the screams and stomp bring to mind the sludgy hardcore of Seven Sisters of Sleep. Tis good!
The tape version of this split has long since sold out over at Headless Guru Records, but you can stream it via the below bandcamp page, where it's also available as a name-your-price download:-
War Wolf Facebook -
Headless Guru Facebook -
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