Saturday, 19 May 2012

Veils - Clarity

This record was the second of the Tangled Talk promo packs that I lost, so again this review is late. Apologies to both band and label.

Veils are a four piece hardcore band from Cornwall. Clarity is their latest release, a five track EP that was unleashed at the end of January. This EP has actually sold out, but there hopefully should be a repress coming soon.


1. Standing Alone (Isolation)
2. Caves (Anxiety)
3. Stallions (Adrenaline)
4. Stronghold (Isolation)
5. Surrender (Clarity)

Clarity starts off with Standing Alone (Isolation), which is a real cathartic, slow burner of a song. It's melodic instrumentation reminds me of some of the early post-hardcore bands that cropped up in the early 00's. There’s no breakdowns and this very much intelligent hardcore, that verges of screamo.

This sounds really different to a lot of the hardcore/screamo that is out in the UK at the moment, which may have something to do with their location, on the tip of the South-West of England. Caves (Anxiety) is played with more urgency, but looses none of it's atmosphere or presence. I like the fact that Veils choose to play at their pace, not a pace dictated by the throngs. There's a lot of creativity here and true emotion, none of the music feels forced.

I like the fact that the vocals sound subtly distant at times and you get the sense they recorded this, while tearing up a live venue. Again, there are hints of LA Dispute in here, especially in the screamed ending to Caves (Anxiety). By the time you reach the end of Stallions (Adrenaline), you are well and truly sucked into Veils whole aesthetic.

They portray and brand of tortured souls, trying to shake off the demons of the past and move on, free of chains. Surrender (Clarity) signals the end of this release and the journey that Veils take you on. I for one love this band. I can't wait to see what comes out them when the release their album.

Clarity is currently streaming via Veils Bandcamp page below:-

If you like what your hear, you can download it from their Bandcamp page, by clicking on "Buy Now".

Also keep on their Facebook page at and Tangled Talk Records at for any repress news or updates on Veils new album.


  1. When I open your RSS feed it puts up a whole lot of strange characters, is the deal on my end?

  2. I don't know. I haven't played around with the RSS feed, so it could be my end.
