Monday, 14 March 2022

Gillian Carter/Eyetlet - Split 7"

Labels: I.Corrupt Records/Puddlejumper Distro/Santapogue Media/Zegema Beach Records

Formats: Vinyl/Digital

Release Date: 10 Jul 2017


1. Gillian Carter - Despair

2. Gillian Carter - Anguish

3. Eyelet - Famine

4. Eyelet - Cowardice

Looking at the cover of this split featuring US screamo/hardcore bands Gillian Carter and Eyelet, you'd think it was a ZBR swirl dip. It was in fact released way before the label started doing swirl tapes (I think?). I sit here tonight staring at a physical purple vinyl copy, not fully remembering how I came across it. It was either directly through Zegema Beach Records or via another label/seller back in 2018. For those of you who like your geography, Gillian Carter are from Florida and Eyelet are from Maryland, USA.

In case you hadn’t guessed from the intro paragraph, this is another Zegema Beach Records roster review. I’m ploughing on with the series but before I start talking about this particular release, I want to say thank you to CanaDave for the shout out via his recent ‘Out Past The Rings’ video, which was about the four-way split release that featured Massa Nera, Thisismenotthinkingofyou, Yo Sbraito and Ef’il. That was really kind man!

Both bands contribute two songs to this split, starting with Gillian Carter. ‘Despair’ lasts less than a minute and presents itself in the most violent of ways. Both the instrumentation and the vocals waste no time in making an impression, I wouldn’t say this was emoviolence per se, but it’s pretty damn close. GC’s second song ‘Anguish’ is very aptly titled. The riffs here are way more accented (if that’s even a word!) and there’s an atmosphere that’s more obvious, even though it’s no longer that their opener.

Eyelet are a more considered proposition, with their opener ‘Famine’ being more screamo in approach. The overall sound is more melodic as opposed to being more violent, while also having a slightly more technical edge as well. At the turn of the year I said that I was going to alter the way I wrote my reviews, yet I can’t seem to get away from doing live reviews (writing about releases in real time, while they’re playing). Eyelet makes it easier to do that and their second song ‘Cowardice’ follows on straight away but with a much more intense feel. The screams are truly caustic, while the instrumental approach is a mix of violent and melodic at the same time.

This split is over in the blink of an eye. Coming into this (and not by design), I was much more familiar with Gillian Carter than I was with Eyelet, even though I’ve owned this release on 7” for a good few years now. I love both bands though. I know there are newer releases that I need to delve into, so this review is the catalyst I’ve been waiting for. There’s still time for you to do the same. 

Stream and download the split digitally here:-

You can still purchase physical copies from Santapogue Media below:-

Santapogue Media -

Gillian Carter -

Eyelet -

I.Corrupt Records -

Santapogue Media -

Zegema Beach Records -

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