Thursday, 12 August 2021

Storie Grubb - Crawlspace (by Mikey Ortega)

Label: Self-Released

Format: Digital

Release Date: Jan 25, 2021



1. Tempted

2. March of the Toy Children

3. Glimpse

4. Flash Bang

5. Sideways with Brittany

6. Such Sights

7. Ragtime Wars

8. High Dreams

9. Room 237

10. Backseat Motors

11. Silent Signs

12. New Life

13. Opposite


I don’t think I’ve come across a workhorse like Storie Grubb’s Sean S. Kelly. Back in 2019, he made the effort to release an album for every month, during that year. Which – I have to admit – it was pretty impressive. Every one of those releases were unique in their own way. But of course, with Sean being a talented individual, it shouldn’t come to a surprise. And now Storie Grubb has graced us with a new album for 2021 – called CRAWLSPACE – an album that will impress those who have listened to Sean’s early work.


CRAWLSPACE begins with two instrumentals that will catch people by surprise. “Tempted” has a very brooding sound. Almost as if there’s an Egyptian ritual is happening. But, then again, Sean does mention “This collection is as dark as it is allowed to cast a shadow by the light of it’s own subtleties and blemishes”. “March of the Toy Children” is upbeat and reminds of the theme for Midnight Cowboys. “Glimpse” is a fun lo-fi bedroom jam that makes Storie Grubb a loveable project. One line that really got me was “a desperate god, will blame the fallen, and bite it’s own heels to keep ordinary life, like mine, to decide what to do with an open mind”. “Sideways with Brittany” is a cool and catchy jam about a non-conformist chick, who has zero fucks to give. “High Dreams” is probably only track that has a very epic feel.  It has a very Spaghetti Western feel, which probably why I can picture a lone gunslinger, just riding around the desert with his horse. The album ends with “Opposite”, which is a song I can totally relate. I’m not much of a “people’s person”, and this song explains why.


Storie Grubb definitely explored some new territories with CRAWLSPACE, especially with those keyboard instrumentals and it’s one of the things I admire about Sean. Not only as a musician – but, as an artist. If there’s an album that can be described as a “best friend”, it would totally be CRAWLSPACE. If you’re ever feeling down, this album will pick you right back up. Really glad that Sean’s creative juice kept going, as 2021 really needed a new Storie Grubb album.


You can listen to CRAWLSPACE on Bandcamp and follow Storie Grubb on all social media platforms. Also, if you’re in the Boise area, be sure to catch Storie Grubb perform at the Treefort Music Fest on September 22 – 26:-

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