Sunday, 8 August 2021

Gospelheim: Into Smithereens Video + Debut Show Announcement

At the end of July, newly formed blackened goth-rock band Gospelheim released the video for their debut single 'Into Smithereens'. The Manchester based act, featuring musicians from other notable underground bands have released the single in early preparation for their debut album, which will see the light of day in the new year.

In terms of the single itself, you're treated to a very dark, occult sound that's melodic but also contains heavier black metal elements. The video is as dark as the music, though it's cinematic quality matches Gospelheim's sound perfectly.

You can watch the video via Youtube below:-

This should wet your appetite for Gospelheim's debut show, which will take place in Manchester on September 3rd, as they support UK anti-fascist black metallers Dawn Ray'd alongside Agvirre and Underdark. See the event poster and page below:-

Event Page -

There's absolutely now doubt that you'll be captivated by this musical debut, so please support Gospelheim by sharing/watching the video, streaming/downloading 'Into Smithereens' and by checking out the special t-shirt that they have available for pre-order. All social media/streaming/store links can be found here -

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