Monday 14 October 2019

Meditations In Affinity #2 (Cultivation) - Nerver/...And It's Name Was Epyon/People's Temple Project/Apostles Of Eris

Labels: Akashita Corp/The Ghost Is Clear Records/Zegema Beach Records
Formats: Vinyl/Digital
Release Date: 15 May 2019(Digital)/TBA (Vinyl)


1. Nerver - General Erosion Of Morale
2. ...And Its Name Was Epyon - Side Seven
3. People's Temple Project - 2:16
4. Apostles Of Eris - The Kobodera

This week has been a bit of a write-off, which sucks. This review has been in the works for a little while as well. It's the second four-way split 7" to come from The Ghost Is Clear Records and Zegema Beach Records, as well as Akashita Corp on this occasion. It's features US post-hardcore/screamo bands Nerver, ...And It's Name Way Epyon, People's Temple Project and Apostles Of Eris. There's more to come from this 7" series so keep your eyes peeled.

Splits like this have become a great resource for discovering new bands and you can’t get any newer than Nerver, as they’ve only really surfaced over the last few months. General Erosion Of Morale is a heavy slab of post-hardcore that seems to end far sooner than it should. Such a good song though, with heavy riffs, intense percussion and hoarse vox. …And Its Name Was Epyon is a different proposition with Side Seven. There are comparisons you could draw to this band, as their melodic and spoken-word vocals are familiar, though their heavier side is utterly brilliant and compliments their sound perfectly,

Naming your song after it’s length if pretty clever (I think so anyway) and People’s Temple Project does just that on 2:16, which is an angular and experimental piece of screamo. It’s pretty violent but also awesomely musical. It doesn’t last very long but that’s fine, as all of the best things are over before you realise. Apostles Of Eris is at least a familiar name to me and their song The Kobodera is as twinkly as it is intense. Melodic riffs go hand-in-hand with emo-violence and the song ends with a mix of both lo-fi and full-throttle screamo. 

These splits have turned out great so far. Their theme is perfect with each band has their own story to tell and their own take on things, I’ll try and get the other three reviewed as and when they’re released.

Stream the split below, where it's also available to grab digitally:-

Physical copies can be pre-ordered below:-

Zegema Beach Records US Store -
Zegema Beach Records CAN/Intl Store -

The Ghost Is Clear Records -

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